Prophecy for the Church

A small group of people will rise up and follow the Lord truly, as no one has followed Him for generations; and then we will see a Power like the Power that the early Church had. All those who are born of God will release a Power like you have never yet experienced, nor seen with your eyes. I say this with confidence, to encourage all those whom the Lord is calling to His Glory today. 

What I say I have seen with my own eyes and experienced beforehand in dreams and divine visions. Let us set ourselves apart to live it, brothers and sisters, because all that we see today is not of God, it is all false. I speak to you of such Power, that people will fall to the ground and hide their faces when we prophesy over their lives. I am talking about such Power, that we will not even be able to control it when the Lord grabs us to pour it out, because we will be completely driven by the Spirit of God (like the wind) and it will not be us doing, but it will be stronger than us. 

I also experienced true speaking in tongues in a dream, and no one has yet spoken in this way in this generation. It did not come from me, but it was much stronger than I; I tell you with confidence that no one speaks this language yet; and when I experienced it, such strength emanated from me that I cannot describe it to you. I have experienced the Power that Jesus and the first disciples had; and the Doctrine that I preach to you is the only one that can lead us to that Glory. It is the only Way; and it begins by leaving everything in this world and setting oneself apart in the presence of God, abiding at his feet (sanctification). 

Come out of the mixture and do as I have done, forsaking all things and sanctifying yourselves in the presence of God, that we may walk together in Glory and pour it out into this world. If you obey the Lord, he will bless you, and everything will become easier. Do not worry about anything, but trust in God, for he will take care of you; do not fear anyone, for nothing can happen to us without the permission of our Lord, and even the hairs on our head are all numbered. The time has come for us (Church) to climb the mountain of God's holiness and go to the top, for the Lord is waiting for us at the top to clothe us with His Power.

(I invite you to read the teachings and exhortations, as many of them have a direct bearing on this prophecy)
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