Baptism / Birth from above / Awakening

First of all we need to understand the difference between receiving the Spirit and being baptized (immersed) in the Spirit. The disciples received the Spirit at the end of the Gospel according to John:

"Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I send you. After these words he breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20: 21-22)

And they then had to remain in the temple (presence of God) until they were clothed with Power from on high (Born again) as we see at the end of the Gospel according to Luke:

"And, behold, I send upon you the promise of my Father. But you remain in the city of Jerusalem, until you are invested with power from on high." (Luke 24:49)

In addition, the Bible is clear on the fact that it is Jesus alone who baptizes in the Holy Spirit, but the apostles transmitted the Spirit well by the laying on of hands:

John spoke up and said to all, "Indeed, I baptize you in water. But he comes, he who is more powerful than I, and I am not worthy to untie the laces of his sandals. He is the one who will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. " (Luke 3:16)

"Now when the apostles who were in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, who having gone down there prayed for them that they would receive the Holy Spirit. He hadn't come down on any of them yet, but they were only baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and received the Holy Ghost. " (Acts 8: 14-17)

Water baptism is when we are immersed in the Word of God, believe and receive the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is when we are immersed in the Holy Spirit that we have received, living by it for a while. Baptism by fire is the suffering during the baptism of the Holy Spirit to crucify our old man (fisherman). The new birth is when the baptism of the Holy Ghost (of the Spirit and of Fire) is accomplished, when we are totally dead with Christ in baptism and are resurrected with him.

"And in him you were circumcised by a circumcision which the hand did not make, but by the circumcision of Christ, which consists in the stripping of the body of the flesh: having been buried with him by the baptism, you are also raised in him and with him, by faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. " (Colossians 2: 11-12)

We have to understand the mind of the Lord according to the Spirit and not the letter, which is why I am not passing on tons of Bible passages regarding baptism, but passing on the mind of Christ.

The Church is asleep today, which means dead. We have to see his revival, his resurrection, the same Church as the early Church, a living Church, truly born of God.
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