Letter to those who believe in the Doctrine

This letter is for those who believe in the Doctrine that the Lord has asked me to share on this website; it is intended to give them instructions from Jesus (Yehoshua) the One and Only Lord God Almighty. For the rest of you, I invite you to examine and fully understand the Doctrine I share in all the writings and audios on this site before reading this letter.

Letter to Those Who have Believed in the Doctrine

Hello to you who have believed and want to follow the Lord Jesus Christ on the true Path of Life; for those who do not know me, my name is Ludovic; I am the one who designed this website and wrote and shared everything on it, and this on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ and by His grace. The Doctrine that I share, I did not receive from men, but only from Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all the mysteries of the Kingdom of God; and it is only in His presence that I received the teachings that I share, that is why I share them with confidence, knowing from whom I received them.

Now that I have shared the Doctrine I received from the Lord for those who should believe by it, the Lord asks me to withdraw from social networks so that I can draw closer to Him by remaining constantly in His presence for a while. Here are the instructions for those who believe in the one and only Doctrine of Salvation (the one I share on this site):

As you have certainly already understood, the first thing you must do is to abandon everything in this world, all your businesses, your associations, your passions, your idols, your lusts... by putting your trust in God alone and not in men; by fearing only God and not men, for God will take care of you and deliver you from all kinds of situations, provided that you put your trust in him alone, and not in man, for cursed is anyone who trusts in man, but blessed is he who trusts in Jesus Christ; by not worrying about anything, for God will provide for you and your families in all things, whether food or clothing; and by being content with what is necessary, for the riches of this world pass away, but if your treasure is in heaven, it will be eternal, which is why Paul tells us that if we have food and clothing (the necessities of life) that is enough for us, but those who want to be rich fall into the trap of the devil. 

You must therefore give up everything and put your trust in God alone, without fearing anything and without worrying about anything, because our God is Almighty; and not only can He provide for everything, but no one can do anything to us without His approval. The God of this Doctrine is the same God as in the days of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and all the prophets; the same God who acted mightily during the Old Covenant and again during the birth of the Church. It is in such a God that you must believe, having the assurance that he will act in the same way with us today as he did with them, for these men were of the same nature as we are, and they were justified by their faith (with the works of faith), because having the assurance of their God, they acted accordingly and obtained the promises by faith and perseverance. 

After you have given up everything and have been set free to follow the Lord Jesus Christ on the Narrow Way, you must begin to sanctify yourself in the presence of God (at His feet). To do this you must first be freed from all what you think are "obligations" in this world; Therefore, make sure that you have understood and put into practice what concerns the first step of this call, namely to have truly given up everything and to have set yourself apart for the Lord without worrying about anything and without fearing anything, because the first step of sanctification is to be set apart in the wilderness, because true sanctification, which concerns the spirit, the soul and the body, cannot be done without having been first set apart in the wilderness. 

Once you are therefore free to isolate yourself in the presence of God without being disturbed, you can begin to sanctify yourself. So whatever worries and concerns you have about the things of this world, you must put them aside and trust in God, believing that if you seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness He will take care of everything else. So do not worry about anything, and let God take care of the rest, but you take care of your sanctification; and I will try to explain to you by the grace of God exactly how you should do it. 

To sanctify yourself you must absolutely live by the Spirit, for it is impossible to sanctify yourself by living by the flesh, but only by the Spirit; and to live by the Spirit you must think of the things above and not of the things of the earth; you must be fond of the things above, seek the things that pertain to the Kingdom of God. You must therefore cast off all worries, and not trust either appearances concerning your present situation (for we must walk by faith and not by sight), or people (for being unbelievers they will themselves cause you to worry if you listen to them); and you must no longer consider the so-called "obligations" of this world, for the devil will use them to keep you constantly focused on the things of the earth, and if you do not despise them, there will always be some. 

You must also separate yourself from bad company, for bad company corrupts good morals whether we like it or not, and during this time of sanctification it is impossible for us to live totally by the Spirit and thus truly sanctify ourselves, while surrounded by people who live according to the flesh; That is why we are called to the wilderness, isolated from the world, far from lust and from everything that can be an occasion for us to fall and to live according to the flesh; and this until Christ gives us the order to gather together (we the firstfruits of the revival of the Church). 

Having understood and practised these things, it is now sufficient for you to draw near to God; to sanctify yourselves in his presence, daily, constantly, without ceasing, seeking him constantly, meditating in his presence, seeking to understand the mysteries of his Kingdom, his Doctrine, his will; and to know his Love which surpasses all understanding. Seek in the Spirit and not in the letter, because the letter kills, it pushes to carnal reasoning and it is impossible to understand the scriptures by human intelligence; therefore do not linger on the letter, because when you read with attention, the Lord himself records in your spirit what you read, without you being aware of it, and when you are at his feet he reminds you of everything you have read and reveals its meaning to you. So don't dwell on what you don't understand as you read, but read so that God will record the scriptures in your mind so that he can later teach you in his presence. 

The Spirit makes one alive, for it reveals to us the Word of God in which is Life; therefore seek in the Spirit, meditating at the feet of the Lord, so that he will reveal to you the meaning of his mysteries and you will be able to understand the scriptures truly; thus they will become a confirmation of what the Spirit has taught you and you will have two testimonies, that of the Spirit and that of the scriptures, so that your faith will be unshakeable. Watch, and pray to the Lord to sanctify you, to help you crucify your old inner man, to fill you more and more with His Spirit (of His Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Peace, Joy, Holiness and all the virtues connected with these things); and this day and night until He gives us all a clear command to gather for the next stage.

I invite you to reread and examine carefully during this period of setting apart and sanctification, the teachings I am sharing from the Lord, until you understand all the revelations transmitted. Our (the Church's) unity will begin with unity of faith, in thought; we must have the same faith, the same thought, for us to be truly united, and it is through this Doctrine that it will be done. Before we are physically united we must therefore first be in the same mind; and then our unity will be true and our communion will be perfect. Therefore do all that I write to you, keeping in mind that you are not alone, but that we are (we who have believed) preparing ourselves on our side, in the presence of God, that we may first be taught according to the same mind, that we may then come together and be one Soul and one Body, in the same Spirit.

Therefore pray for me, for I am committed to this Way and I pray for all the elect, and especially for the firstfruits, that is, for those who must rise first: to set themselves apart, sanctify themselves, and gather themselves together before the others; and through whom this mighty revival will come. Know, then, that I am fighting for this revival in my prayers, and offering my body as a living sacrifice to God for the Church, that God may make me a vessel of honour, sanctified, useful in His hands, and prepared for every good work. Pray, therefore, not only for me, but also for all the elect; and concerning the present time, especially for the firstfruits: for those who will first believe in this Doctrine and put it into practice before the others. I repeat, know that you will not be alone in your commitment, have faith, I myself am committed to this Way, and so will others, let us pray for them even though we do not yet know them, knowing that God knows them all, and that his sheep will recognise his voice and follow him; and let us pray for ourselves so that God may make of us accomplished disciples

Beware of the wiles of the Enemy who will try to make you believe that this Doctrine is false and that you are alone on this Path, for indeed, for me I have been alone on this Path until now (though God was with me), but by the grace of God I have kept the faith, I have persevered, I have kept the Doctrine and a new time is coming, a new day is dawning, and in that day God is going to raise up others to walk with me on this true Path of Salvation and to go to Zion, to the top of that spiritual Mountain where the Lord is calling us and waiting to clothe us with His Glory.

Remember to walk by faith and not by sight, for the righteous will live by faith, so do not turn your attention to the devil's lies, but firmly believe that God is preparing a work, and that although you must begin to prepare in solitude (with God) you will not be alone, for others, including myself, will also be preparing in the wilderness, for the same cause, for the same purpose, that when God gathers us all together we may be ONE in the Truth and be unleavened dough, being ourselves fed by the unleavened Bread of Truth, by the flesh of Christ, by the revealed Word (the revelations of the Spirit).

We are in the last days, and we must redeem the time, we can no longer afford to waste our time in this world, for the day of the Lord is near. We must strive to draw near to God, for it is the violent who seize the Kingdom of God, and the righteous are saved with effort, therefore Jesus tells us to strive to enter by the narrow gate, and that many will seek to enter and will not be able to, for there are many called but few chosen. Let us draw near to God and he will draw near to us; let us make the effort to take the first step every day, and he will make it easy for us. If it were only by our own strength we could not succeed, but because he for whom nothing is impossible assists us and makes us capable, then everything becomes possible. May his name be sanctified, praised and glorified, with our mouths and with our whole beings; and let us not forget that God goes through the whole earth to support those whose hearts are entirely his.

Let your heart then be all for Christ; let him who is married come as not being married, that he may seek to please God only, and not be divided in his heart, for the double-hearted man is inconstant in all his ways, and that is not what God wills. To follow this Doctrine we must absolutely be fully consecrated to the Lord, knowing that it is by our total consecration to God that we will be able to save our families, and by no other means, for it is not we who save, but God; Therefore do not trust in your flesh concerning the provision of your families, but trust in God who can provide for them provided you offer your bodies to him as a sacrifice, as is the doctrine which the Lord asks me to preach, for in this is the care of his own.

If a woman dwells alone, let her answer the Lord's call and sanctify herself in the presence of God; if a woman is married and her husband believes in this Doctrine and wants to put it into practice as well, let her be submissive to him and receive her husband's teaching; And let the husband on his part follow all the instructions given in this letter; let him offer his life to the Lord as a living sacrifice and teach his wife according to the Truth in order to sanctify her and wash her with the Water of the revealed Word. If a man is alone, he has a great advantage in answering the Lord's call; let him follow all the instructions in this letter; if a man is married to an unbelieving woman, let him leave her in charge of his home and children and follow the instructions given, so that if possible afterwards, the Lord will save his family through the sacrifice of this man who offers his life to God. 

If anyone puts his hand to the plough and looks back, he is not well disposed for the Kingdom of God; therefore, after you have taken leave of those in your home, answer the call that is addressed to you and go to the end, for only in this way can you save your families; and I repeat, do not put your trust in yourselves; it is God who can save them and provide for their needs, provided you obey him. 

If, therefore, a woman or a man is alone, let them follow the instructions given in this letter; if they are a couple and follow this Way together, let the wife obey her husband, take care of her home and educate her children according to God, and let the husband love his wife and children by renouncing his own life in order to give it up to Christ for them, while at the same time he teaches them in order to sanctify them Let the wife sanctify herself by listening to her husband's teaching and leading a life of prayer, while caring for her home and children (educating and teaching them in the Truth). 

Let all men (married or not) devote themselves fully to spiritual things during the time of this setting apart in the wilderness; let them labour to seek the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to obtain heavenly food in the presence of the Lord, so that they may be nourished by it, and be able to feed their families and all those who need to be fed. This is what Paul teaches us when he says to work for our own bread, so that we can feed ourselves and give to those in need; indeed, he does not speak of earthly food, but of heavenly (spiritual) food, for it is the true Bread of heaven (the flesh of Christ/revealed Word) that we are to eat; and Paul gives us this law: let him who does not work not eat either; therefore the Lord says:

"Work, not after the food that perisheth, but after that which is permanent unto eternal life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for the Father, [namely] God, hath approved him with his seal." (John 6:27)

If a wife has an unbelieving husband or vice versa, let the believer devote himself fully to the Lord and pray for his family, for the times in which we are, require it, so Paul teaches us not to be divided but to be fully God's. If a woman (or a man) remains alone with children, let her sanctify herself and her children by teaching them in the Truth and educating them according to God with firmness, while crying out to God and weeping for herself and for her children, as the Lord teaches when he says:

"But Jesus turned to them and said, 'Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days will come when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, the wombs that have not borne, and the breasts that have not suckled!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, "Fall on us." And to the hills, "Cover us!" For if they do these things to the green wood, what will become of the dry wood? "" (Luke 23:28-31)

For if the righteous are saved with suffering, what will become of sinners? Whoever you are, therefore, rend your hearts, humble yourselves and purify yourselves in the presence of God, as the Lord also says through his servant James, saying:

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you; sinners, cleanse your hands; and you who are double-minded, purify your hearts. Feel your miseries, and lament, and weep; let your laughter be changed to weeping, and your joy to sorrow. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and he will lift you up." (James 4:7-10)*

Cry out to God, therefore, that he may have mercy on you and your families, plead with him in tears, fight with fervour, and praise him with joy; pray at all times with all perseverance, do not slacken, fast and watch as much as you can so that you do not fall into temptation; Let the Holy Spirit inspire you, whether you beg God with tears, or fight with fervour, or praise the Lord with joy, or meditate on spiritual matters, and whatever you do, let the Spirit be your guide. Go against yourselves; strip off your (carnal/fish) nature; crucify the flesh and its desires, that you may put on Christ. For the rest, let the dead bury their dead, but you follow the Lord, and believe in Him and His Word, for it is by practicing what believers have not practiced for generations that we will see the Light, the Salvation, the Power and the Church that we have not seen for generations. 

May the Lord bless you abundantly with all kinds of spiritual blessings connected with obedience to His Gospel, and may He give you powerfully to be strengthened in faith and charity, for it is through these that we will find the strength to dedicate our lives fully to God and to strip ourselves to become instruments in His hands, so that many may be saved through our lives. If we wish to strip ourselves and clothe ourselves only for our own (individual) salvation we will not find the strength to go to the goal, even if we have all the faith in the world; but it is only through charity for our neighbour that this is possible; understand, then, that faith is not enough, for even if we have faith to the point of moving mountains, if we do not have charity, it is of no use to us. There are therefore two laws for salvation: faith and charity. 

As Christ loved us by laying down his life for us, so we must lay down our lives for our brothers, for there is no greater charity than to lay down one's life for one's friends. Let us therefore keep in mind the motivation for our consecration, renunciation and sanctification (things by which we can be born of God), that is, charity for our families and for all the elect (the Church). Take courage, it is a question of our common salvation, of our eternity, for us and our families, for the whole Church.

Finally, know that the more revelations you receive concerning this Doctrine, the less you will be able to afford to live according to the flesh, because the fight will be more and more difficult; this is why do not give in to the temptations of the devil, so that you do not find yourselves in a condition that is too difficult to overcome; and if through weakness and misfortune you fall into the flesh, implore the grace of our God who never tires of forgiving and do violence to get out of it quickly; do not delay in returning to the Spirit lest it become too difficult. The more you advance in the knowledge of the Truth, the more you must be firm in the faith; so do not listen to the Enemy who will push you into debauchery, trying to make you believe that it is not serious and that you can easily return to the Lord, for this is a great trick on his part; and for a moment of weakness during which you will not have resisted the temptation, your situation will become catastrophic, whereas all it takes is a bit of firmness and zeal to avoid this. 

So be firm in faith; you are warned, take heed and be courageous, be strong in the Lord and be armed in thought. Remember what is written, namely:

"Let him therefore who believes that he stands, take heed lest he fall. No temptation has tried you but a human [temptation]; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will give you the way out, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13)

Examine this letter carefully, as many times as it takes, being in the Spirit, for these things cannot be rightly understood being in the flesh, therefore be in constant prayer and meditation and read this letter again from time to time to understand its meaning by the grace of God, through His Spirit, until you have fully understood all the instructions given in it. If you understand these things, you are happy, provided you put them into practice. May the Peace of Christ be with you and your families.

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