How to truly sanctify oneself?

To truly sanctify oneself one must be constantly in the Spirit, that is to say in prayer (praise, thanksgiving, supplications, intercessions) and in meditation concerning the search for the things of the Kingdom of God. There is no other way to sanctify ourselves, and if we are dedicated to something else we cannot be in true sanctification. Sanctification takes place only in the presence of God by being in the Spirit of God, by fixing our eyes only on Jesus and on things that concern the Kingdom of God.

It is God who sanctifies us when we are in his presence, in his Spirit, and it is impossible to be in his Spirit if we look at the things of the earth. Those who look to the things of the earth live according to the flesh and those who look only to the things of the Kingdom of God live according to the Spirit, and those who do both are mixed up and will not be able to complete their sanctification and be saved as well. Sanctification can only be done in TOTAL consecration to God.

True sanctification therefore begins with giving up everything in this world and setting ourselves apart in the wilderness, so that we can fix our eyes only on the things of the Kingdom of God, the things of the Spirit (spiritual) until that we complete our sanctification completely and be perfect so that God can then dwell fully in us. This is the only True Doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The only Doctrine that can save our souls. Anything that is not of this Doctrine is not of God.

"If anyone therefore purifies himself of these things, he shall be a vessel sanctified in honor, and useful to the Lord, and prepared for every good work." (2 Timothy 2:21)

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