Persevere despite the trials

When we are in trials, difficulties, tribulations and we are not yet very firm in the faith we tend to lose faith. We know that the main purpose of the enemy is to make us lose our faith; and for his part he is so persistent that he will act until we are dead or are taken up for the marriage feast of the Lamb. For many, it is in these times of trials and tribulations that they retreat from faith and return to sin (Matthew 13: 20-21).

The lack of perseverance in trials comes particularly from a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, since the Word of God teaches us the usefulness of trials, and the lack of knowledge comes from a lack of sincere search for God.Perseverance despite trials and tribulations is essential, but to be able to persevere despite these things we must understand the usefulness of these things in our walk with God. God allows tribulations to be tested by them, just as gold is tested by fire, this is our baptism of fire. Trials will make us tried men and women. After being tested by fire, we will result in praise, glory and honor (1 Peter 1: 7).

Indeed to increase our patience, God must test us, and the Bible tells us that patience must perfectly accomplish its work, so that we are perfect and accomplished so that we do not lack anything (James 1: 2 -4). The purpose, therefore, of the trial is to perfect ourselves so that we may be conformed to the image of Christ; which is beneficial.

The test is double-edged, it can be the cause of our salvation or the cause of our fall; this is why the Word of God tells us that we are to rejoice in trials and tribulations, and this is possible only if we know the usefulness of it. Paul tells us that the sufferings of the present time are incomparable to the glory to come, which should encourage us to persevere despite the sufferings; and it is important that we are armed with the Word of God so that we can remember it during trials (Romans 8:18). This is why Peter exhorts us to be armed with the thought of suffering as Christ himself suffered; because the mind is a weapon, and if we have the Word of God in mind then we have a Mighty weapon that will allow us to stand in difficult times (1 Peter 4: 1).

If Christ suffered as an Example, he was also glorified, therefore if we share in his sufferings, we will take part in his glory; and if we rejoice in sharing in his sufferings, so will we rejoice in sharing in his glory (1 Peter 4: 12-13). It is therefore by trials and tribulations that we will be made perfect, this is necessary for our improvement and for our salvation, therefore we must persevere in the faith whatever the trials (Luke 21: 17-19) ( Romans 12:12). Salvation can only be acquired through perseverance; life in Christ is a life of perseverance; Jesus himself warns us by telling us that we will be hated by all because of his Name, but whoever perseveres despite this to the end will be saved (Romans 2: 7) (Matthew 10:22).

The trials and tribulations we speak of concern our Christian life; if we suffer because we speak the Word of God or because we want to please God in all of our being and because of this we are riddled (stirred inwardly) by the devil, then we must rejoice because we are suffering for good and as Christians; but if we suffer while doing evil we have no reason to rejoice and we must repent (1 Peter 4: 14-16) (1 Peter 3:17). Many people deny the Lord because of tribulation, but Paul says that if we persevere we will also reign with him, but if we deny him he too will deny us (2 Timothy 2:12).
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