Perseverance in prayer

Prayer is our way of communicating with God; speaking to God in our hearts is already a form of prayer and we should not neglect this because it is our intimate and personal relationship with God. The Word of God exhorts us to always pray in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers and supplications, and to watch over this with entire perseverance (Ephesians 6:18).

There are several kinds of prayers: thanksgiving (thanks, praise, worship), intercessions and supplications. In any case, it is the Holy Spirit who produces these things in us, whether thanksgiving, intercessions or supplications, it is God himself who transmits these things to us by his Spirit and we just be receptive to what he transmits to us, which is why no matter how much time we spend praying, praising God, interceding for souls, we have no reason to boast; but if we are not receptive to what God transmits to us on the other hand it is totally our fault, since we willfully reject the call of God in our heart.

If God puts joy in our heart, our heart praises God, and it does not come from us; in the same way if God puts us at heart to intercede for souls, it does not come from us, if therefore we do it we are only letting ourselves be guided by God and if we do not do it we reject the call that God puts in our heart. As for handing over everything to God, our difficulties, our problems, the things of this world, it is once again a matter of obedience since the Word of God tells us never to worry and to put everything back in between. hands of the Lord; so we first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and God takes care of everything else (Philippians 4: 6) (Matthew 6: 25-34).

Jesus Christ teaches us about perseverance in prayer and he teaches us that God answers us when we are persevering. God tests our faith to make it perfect. Perseverance and faith in prayer consists of praying until the answer is answered by believing that God is in the process of acting. It is not necessarily a question of praying once and believing that God will act, but sometimes also of praying every day until the prayer is answered. It is not a lack of faith, on the contrary, it is proof that we believe it will come true, otherwise we would stop praying. Of course the Enemy will constantly come to put doubt in us while we pray, but if we are rooted in the Word of God faith will be our shield against the attacks of the devil.

I voluntarily emphasize the importance of perseverance in prayer, because many people give up for lack of faith. It is imperative that we believe that God acts when we pray; Jesus gives us a parable to make us understand that we must persevere in prayer and never slack off:

"And he proposed to them a parable, to show that they should always pray, and not slack off, saying: There was in a city a judge who did not fear God and respect no one. And in the same city, there was in a city a judge who did not fear God and respect no one. There was a widow, who often came to him to say: Do me justice against my adversary. For a long time he refused. But after that he said to himself: Although I do not fear God, and respect no one, nevertheless, because this widow grieve me, I will do her justice, lest she come continually and break my head. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says. And God would not do it. not righteousness to his elect, who cry to him day and night, though he is patient before intervening for them? I say to you, he will bring justice to them quickly. But when the Son of man comes, think you that he will find faith on earth? " (Luke 18: 1-8)

Knowing that this is a parable, we should not dwell on the fact that he is talking about doing someone justice; in reality this parable is about all kinds of prayers that we can do with perseverance as soon as it is right. And God is speaking here of granting His elect, who CRIEL AT HIM DAY AND NIGHT. It is therefore not a matter of a simple prayer, but it is a question of perseverance in prayer until it is answered.

"Persevere in prayer, watching in this exercise with thanksgiving." (Colossians 4: 2)

Of course we must be careful to pray according to the will of God and not our own, but if we understand this teaching well we must take into account the fact that at the base it is God himself who puts us at heart. prayer points (James 4: 3). The Word of God also exhorts us not to be like the hypocrites who apparently make long prayers but who in reality seek to be seen by men; but when we pray it will be in secret and God who sees in secret will reward us publicly (Matthew 6: 5-7) (Mark 12: 38-40).
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