Repent Christians

To us who have been touched by the grace of God and who want to follow the Lord. We are all in a great error and we must repent and truly turn to God. I am not speaking to all who call themselves Christians, but to those who have received the revelation of Jesus Christ the Almighty God. We fell into a big mix and got lost, I'm not talking about myself, but I'm talking about us who are the Body of Christ (The Church):

But now there are indeed many limbs and one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you.' Nor can the head say to the feet: 'I don't. do not need you. "But on the contrary, the members of the body which seem to be the weakest are necessary. And those which we consider to be the least honorable of the body, we cover them with a greater honor, and this that we have of unseemly, obtains more decorum, and what we have honorable does not need. But God has arranged the body in such a way as to give more honor to what was lacking, so that it does not need it. There is no division in the body, but that the limbs have mutual care for each other. And if one of the limbs suffers from anything, all the other limbs suffer with it. If one of the limbs is honored, all others together rejoice with him. You are the body of Christ, and you are each one of its members. " (1 Corinthians 12: 20-27)

Is our Lord really our Master? Or do we have other goals in life than to follow and serve him? Should we not love him with our whole being to fulfill his Law? And should we not love our neighbor (brother in Christ) as ourselves? Because Love does not harm the neighbor, Love is therefore the fulfillment of the Law of Christ.

Are we forgetful listeners as the Word says? And I want to remind you of what we heard from the beginning is that we who are the Church loved one another as Christ loved us, and that we love God more than anything, so may we all be ONE with the Father.

What are preachers preaching today? Money, humanitarian aid, humanitarian causes, as well as a part of the Truth which is more or less great according to the preachers, but we forget to preach the fact of having to live the cross, the crucifixion of the old man who is in us in order to become new men. Who is still focused on wanting and having to be like Christ? There is few of it. Who speaks to us about this early Church with the conviction that we must live this Church before the rapture? because the Lord will come to seek a holy and blameless Church, all of whose members will be one Spirit and one soul in the unity of faith:

"And he himself gave indeed the apostles, and the prophets, and the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ, until that we have all come to the unity of faith and of the precise and correct knowledge of the Son of God, to the state of the perfect man, to the measure of the perfect stature of Christ, so that we do not let us no longer be children tossed about by the waves and carried here and there with every wind of doctrine, by the deception of humans, by their skill in the art of misguidance. But by professing the truth in charity, we will grow in all things in him who is the Head, that is, Christ. It is from him that the whole body, having its parts well adjusted and bound together by all the joints of its assistance, derives its increase according to the strength which 'he distributes to each member, to build himself in charity. " (Ephesians 4: 11-16)

Who preaches to you that we must be like Christ in order to be able to do the same works as he because the disciple is not greater than his Master? And who teaches you that in order to be made like Christ you must first be consecrated and taught by God in the wilderness, but that you will never achieve perfection on your own because it is in fellowship that charity can? to become perfect? And who taught you that bad company corrupts good morals, and that you have to know who you walk with and who your neighbor really is, otherwise we will be lost like most believers?

Only God can reveal these things to you and where are God's servants? Those who are taught in all Truth as Jesus says.

Let us focus on the true Church and on Christ. Let us be in fellowship with Christ first, and with our brothers and sisters who are already in heaven and who teach us through the scriptures, who are ONE with God, and let us be in fellowship with our true brothers and sisters in Christ here on earth, for it is is what pleases God. For others, love your enemies, love everyone, pray for them, give them food and drink if they ask you, announce the Truth to them so that if possible they will be saved, but do not be in communion with them for anything, for Yahweh tells us to despise those who do not fear God and to honor those who fear him, which means: Take no interest in those who do not fear God, but take special interest in those who fear him:

"Psalm of David. O Yahweh! Who will sojourn in your tent? Who will dwell on the mountain of your holiness? It is he who walks in integrity, who does what is right, and who speaks the truth as it is is in his heart: who does not slander with his tongue, who does not harm his friend, and who does not defame his neighbor, who looks with disdain on him who is despicable, but who honors those who fear Yahweh, who does not Do not retract if he takes an oath to his prejudice, who does not lend his money at interest, and who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. Whoever does these things will never be moved. " (Psalms 15)

We want to save our families and others? So we have to be like Christ. Let's take a closer look at his own life, because we need to become like him and quickly. I'm sure we've all wasted enough time already, so let's redeem the time my brothers and sisters, my friends, and I call you friends you who believe because I am letting you know all that I have received from God, and like Paul I did not hide anything for fear of men, but even when I was alone against all I held because the Lord has strengthened me in difficult times otherwise I would not be here to talk to you today 'hui and I would have given up the faith.

For myself, I derive no glory and no personal gain from doing what I do, from sharing the mind of God, from working for my own salvation and that of others, except for the blessing that comes from being obedience and the joy of seeing souls turning to God to fear him and to be saved. But most of you have become lazy to hear and live the gospel. We waste so much time that we end up falling asleep when it comes to faith. This is why the Lord says to you today: Wake up who sleeps, arise from the dead and Christ will enlighten you.

"And this is his commandment: that we believe in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, according to the commandment which he has given us. And he that keeps his commandments abide in him and he in this man. And by that we know that he abides in us by the Spirit that he has given us. " (1 John 3 / 23-24)
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