Fallen angels have corrupted the whole world

Enoch 8: 1 Azazyel again taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, and mirrors; he taught them how to make bracelets and ornaments, how to paint, how to paint their eyebrows, how to use precious stones, and all kinds of dyes, so that the world was corrupted. 2. Impiety increased; fornication multiplied, creatures transgressed and corrupted all their ways. 3. Amazarak taught all spells, enchantments, and root properties. 4. Armers taught the art of spell-solving. 5. Barkayal taught the art of stargazing. 6. Akibeel taught the signs. 7. Tamiel taught astronomy. 8. And Asaradel taught the movements of the moon. 9. And the men about to perish lifted up their voices, and their voices were lifted up to heaven.

Everything we see in this world has been taught by demons in order to corrupt men, which is the reason why we have to strip ourselves of all things if we are to be saved. We are so corrupt and for so many generations that it has been impossible for us to do it by our own strength, this is the reason why Jesus Christ came to earth, suffered, died on the cross, was resurrected and sends his Holy Spirit to those who believe in him. Without the power of his Spirit, without this power that he gives us to become children of God, it is impossible for us to overcome and thus be saved.

In terms of corruption, our generation has passed that of Enoch, and we only have to look around us to understand that everything that is quoted in the passage that I shared with you is only the basis of everything. what is in the world today. Worst of all is that the whole world finds it normal and easily accepts most of the things that are in this world without ever crying out to God.

Men have forgotten that after demons corrupted the earth in the time of Enoch there was the time of Noah, the time when God brought the flood to exterminate all the inhabitants of the earth if it is Noah and his family (8 people). And people are not aware of the words of our Lord who tells us in the scriptures that what happened in Noah's time will also happen in the last days; for men ate and drank, and married and married their children, they made their living, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they did not suspect anything, until the vain flood and killed them all.

Very few people understand that all inspiration comes from the spiritual world, and many people believe that they have invented things, when in reality man does not have the power to create anything and he is not able. to think anything for himself, but everything is inspired either by God or by demons, and since very few people listen to God, most are inspired by demons. The thing that God cannot take away from us because of his righteousness is our “free will”, that is, he cannot force us to make a choice. We receive inspirations in the mind and we have the choice to take or reject those inspirations, and it is much easier to hear and follow the voice of the devil than it is to hear and follow the voice of God.

Many of you think that your thoughts are coming from you, but in reality this is what the devil wants you to believe, so that you do not understand that these thoughts are coming from your Enemy, from the one who wants to lead you into them. eternal suffering. But the moment you approve and therefore accept the thoughts of the devil, finding them good, you distance yourself even further from God and you have even more difficulty hearing his voice. There comes a day when the Spirit of God is no longer arguing with your spirit, and that day it's over for you. Therefore today, if we hear his voice, let us not harden our hearts, for humility precedes glory, but pride precedes the fall; and it is written that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

We are all corrupt from birth and we become even more so while living in this world, but what will make the difference between us and others is our humility, for God gives grace to those who are humble and it is precisely through this grace that God gives us the power to strip ourselves of this world in order to become his children and thus be saved. Without God (Jesus) it is impossible, as Jesus himself says: To man it is impossible, but to God everything is possible. So let us be humble, let us come before God as children who do not believe they know but who want to learn, who do not take themselves for what they are not, but who know that they are nothing and that they need God because they can do nothing without him.
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