Sanctify the Name of God

Men constantly sully the Name of God by associating God with everything they do and I am speaking particularly of those who claim to be Christians, because it is they who bear witness to the Name of Jesus throughout the earth. They create religions in the Name of God, they strike up churches in the Name of God, they even sometimes wage war in his Name. Many take money in his Name and for the most devious they are even capable of raping children and killing in his Name. The Name of God is dirty, the Name of this God who created the perfection of nature and the human body has been blasphemed by men for generations and today more than ever. We even who have believed in his Truth, who preach the Truth, have sullied it every time we have brought bad witness to our God, every time in our lives he has passed for a powerless and limited God, he who is Great and Mighty. Every time in our lives he has passed for an unjust and evil God, he who is just and good. We dirty the Name of God without ceasing. Whenever we speak the Name of God before men while in sin, we make it dirty, therefore it is written that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity, and the iniquity is sin, John tells us. All over the earth where there are men, the Name of God is filthy.

Men attribute to him the image of a man which is completely demonic, and they bow down to these images. The only way to sanctify the Name of Jesus is to walk in holiness and bring a good testimony of our God, to present him as he is, i.e. Good, Righteous, Mighty, True, Great, Love, Merciful to those who repent and also Judge. We smear the Name of God by shouting in the streets in his Name, by judging the unbelievers while we are sometimes still ourselves in our sins. We soil his Name when we say that he tolerates sin, He the Holy God, and when we mix God with the things of the world, the cinema, the music of the world, the festivals of the world, the traditions and customs of the world. We smear his Name when we share pictures of us on the internet with his Name and a verse from his Word above, or when women wear make-up and dress indecently saying it's to please God, we do it. mess by associating carnal and demonic things with it.

God is not in all of this, God is Holy, let us sanctify his Name by presenting it as it is, a God who does not tolerate sin but who is so Good and Merciful that he can perfectly forgive those who repent. of their sins to walk in the Truth. A God who came first to save those who believe in him and who will come again soon to condemn those who did not believe. A God who perfectly provides for the needs of all who put their trust in him. A God who delivers and perfectly heals those who believe in his Great Power and who expect his Goodness. A God who never abandons his children, like a Shepherd who takes care of his sheep and does not abandon them when the wolf comes. A God who has proven his Love towards us by humbling himself and by lowering himself to the level of man and even lower still since men have stepped on him, and this in order to save us by his blood, he who knew how to satisfy his own Anger and his own Justice by taking everything on him. A God who, living in man (Christ man) died and rose again and was lifted up in Glory. A God who reigns on his throne of glory and who will someday be made manifest, and every eye will see him, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is the Lord, even those who suffer eternally. This God is Yahweh, the God of the Bible, and the Name that he gave us so that through him we might be saved is Yehoshua (Jesus), that is to say Yahweh is salvation, the Name that we let's invoke.

“Indeed, the invisible perfections of God, namely his eternal power and his divinity, are seen as with the naked eye, since the creation of the world, when one considers them in his works, so that they are inexcusable; because having known God, they did not glorify him as God, nor gave thanks to him; but they became vain in their speech, and their heart destitute of understanding was filled with darkness. being wise, they have gone mad; and they have changed the glory of the incorruptible God into images representing the corruptible human being, and birds, and quadrupeds, and reptiles. " (Romans 1: 20-23)

"However the foundation of God stands firm, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are his; and whoever calls on the name of the Lord, let him depart from iniquity." (2 Timothy 2:19)
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