God calls us to set ourselves apart and to sanctify ourselves to be part of the firstfruits of the Church which is about to arise

According to the revelations that I have received from the Lord, the members of the small group of people whom the Lord is going to gather to be the firstfruits of the Church which is going to arise must begin now to regulate their lives. First they must forsake the world and sin, and the Lord will open the doors to all who decide to forsake everything to follow him, fear nothing and worry about nothing, but have faith in God for he is THE MOST POWERFUL and he will not forsake you if you obey him.

Then these people must sanctify themselves in the presence of God, so that they are purified of all thought that does not come from God and that they have received from men. It will be impossible for someone who is double in heart and who is not totally consecrated to the Lord to be part of this Church, and as far as this calling is concerned, to be part of the firstfruits of this Church. If someone is still too carnal and risks being a stumbling block for others, he will not be able to be part of the firstfruits that God will call to meet soon.

Those whom God will reunite are therefore those who will now abandon everything, regulate the affairs of this world which prevent them from freely following the Lord; and begin their sanctification in the presence of the Lord until the Lord clearly gives us the command to reunite. We must no longer act by the flesh, but only by the Spirit, following the will of the Lord in obedience to his Spirit, otherwise we will never stand in this fight.

We must no longer make the mistake of looking for God behind our Bible, but we must seek him in the Spirit, by prayer and meditation (I am not saying not to read any more but not to SEEK in the letter anymore. ). For it is through the Holy Spirit that God will teach us and us will revealgreat things, and not by the letter, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (gives life). If we look in the letter we will think with the head and reason within ourselves, therefore we will never be able to understand and we will question everything that we have received by the Spirit. This is a real danger, and it is because of this that the whole world is mistaken and lost, but if we seek in the Spirit (in Christ) by meditating (by seeking to understand with all our heart in our mind) on our life, on our dreams, on the current state of things and on what we know of the Word of God, to understand the will of God, then God will enlighten us by revelation.

If we could understand by the letter we would do it with our understanding and we would have something to boast about, but in truth it is God who reveals the Truth to us by his Spirit when we seek to understand with all our heart. We receive by grace so that all the Glory returns to the Lord, because if we have received what we have by grace, we have nothing to boast about it. God wants us to seek to understand in our spirit the things concerning the Kingdom of God (mysteries) until we obtain the revelations from him in our spirit, by his Spirit; and he then guides us through the scriptures to confirm to us what we have received from him. By this we obtain 2 testimonies which make the revelations indisputable and which banish the slightest doubt.

To save a lot of time and to avoid a lot of suffering, I advise you on behalf of the Lord to follow the direction that I indicate to you for your research, that is to say to seek taking into account all the revelations that I share you and asking the Lord for confirmation on each subject; and the Lord will confirm to you all that I himself say to you by his Spirit. Because it is certainly necessary to run, but not without knowing how, it is necessary to fight, but not like beating the air, otherwise our work is useless.

When we read the Bible, we must let God use what we understand to strengthen our faith, because it confirms what God reveals to us through his Spirit; and we should not dwell and reason about what we do not understand, but rather continue to meditate (seek) in our mind, in the presence of God, and he will us will revealmore that will then enable us to understand the scriptures again and so on, for no one can understand the scriptures properly without prior revelations from the Spirit.

Concerning our sanctification, the Lord must purify us of all thought that does not come from him and that he gives us his thought (then you will discern all things much more easily). To do this we must stop listening to men, false teachings, world music, films ... and everything that dirties our minds, otherwise there is no point in sanctifying ourselves, if it is to cleanse on one side and make dirt on the other constantly we will never complete our sanctification and we will never go further and therefore we will never be saved. We must come to have only the mind of Christ within us, and we must be firm and careful in all of this; we must no longer lead a double life, be double in heart, be lukewarm, live half with the Lord and half with the world, otherwise the Lord will vomit us out of his Body, because nothing defiled can remain there.

The Enemy of our souls will do everything to make you doubt, to turn you away from this call, to discourage you, to steal the revelations you will receive and finally to destroy your faith and lead you astray. And if he does not achieve any of these, he will do anything to destroy you, by all kinds of means, that is why if you follow this Doctrine be careful like snakes and unadulterated like doves, forget not that bad company corrupts good morals automatically, whether you like it or not, and that the devil will use great subtlety to get you by any means. We are warned now, so let us beware of the people, let us sanctify ourselves in the presence of the Lord, and plug our ears if anyone speaks to us of anything other than Jesus Christ; and I even speak in our own house, because at the moment we are not called to associate with people, but to separate and set ourselves apart in the presence of the Lord, and do not let the devil distract us from our call .

Beware of all those whom the devil will use to turn you away from this (knowing that all those who do not have the mind of the Lord can be used by the devil without knowing it, to speak or to act), and among them, to those who will take Jesus as an example, saying: Jesus frequented sinners ... Understand that Jesus before attending fishermen spent 40 days in the desert for his preparation, and that he was born of God, which we are not yet (I invite you to carefully read all my teachings on this subject); and that he did nothing without first receiving the command of God (his precise ordinances). Understand that it was established after overcoming everything and that there is a very specific order of things with regard to us as well. Christ did this and that certainly, but we are not yet like Christ, and if we want to do what he did (works) before being like him, then we believe ourselves to be greater than him, and the disciple is not greater than his Master. So there is a time of separation, a time of preparation, and a time to do the works of Christ. It is for this reason that most of those who have been called have not achieved the purpose that God had for them, so having them as an example, do not be like them, do not stray far from the will of God.

James 4: 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you; sinners, clean your hands; and you who are double in heart, purify your hearts.
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