God can and must make us righteous and holy

I know that it is difficult for men to believe in the Gospel especially in our generation, a Gospel which announces to us that God is stripped of his Glory and humbled himself to come in the flesh to save men by giving his life on the cross in order to take upon himself the condemnation which had to fall on Man because of sin. A Gospel which preaches that God wanted to be reconciled with man and that to do this he had to humble himself before his creation (his creatures) by being rejected and nailed to the cross by her. A Gospel that says that by doing what he has done he gives all human beings the means to become children of God through faith and sanctification.

But how many really believe it is possible? That God is able to do this in us? To give us back the image we had lost because of Adam and Eve's transgression? Who will be able to enter paradise without this image? No one will be able to enter the Holy of Holies without having been made righteous and holy, perfect in charity, for nothing defiled can enter it.

The fact of not sinning with our flesh is not enough, if we think that it is enough we will quickly fall back. God must wash our hearts with his Spirit, with his Love, until we are filled with all the fullness of God:

"Because of this I bow my knees before the Father, the Lord of us all, Jesus Christ, from whom all the family in heaven and on earth derive his name, that according to the riches of his glory he grant you to be mightily strengthened by his Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ dwells in your hearts by faith. That being rooted and founded in charity, you may understand with all the saints what the breadth is and the length, and the depth, and the height, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who by the power that works in us effectively, can do infinitely beyond all that we ask and think, to him be glory in the Church, in Jesus Christ, for all generations, from age to age! Amen! " (Ephesians 3: 14-21)

Let us not limit the Power of God by thinking that he cannot make us perfect and fill us with the fullness of his Love (charity), because as Paul says in this passage, he is able to do good in us at the same time. -beyond what we ask and even what we think.

Do not doubt my friends, do not doubt the Goodness and Power of God, persevere in sanctification and be careful not to let doubt take place in us, for it is through many tribulations that we need enter into the Kingdom of God and may it not become an occasion for us to fall, an occasion to doubt the Truth. Let us be courageous, Christ has conquered the world and he is giving us the opportunity to do the same.
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