There is confusion among believers 

I have had time to examine the situation, and I am forced to note that the believers are in a great mixture and that this creates a great confusion. 

I see that some even come close to the True Doctrine of Jesus Christ, but are still in error. To be very clear and for everyone to understand, there is a basis that people (more or less far from the Truth) do not understand; it is the fact of abandoning everything to give our lives fully to the Lord; the fact of offering our bodies (our whole beings) as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.

Many speak of sanctification, renunciation, living for God... but associate this with living in the world. This is a great mistake, for this is not what the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit teach. The Doctrine of Jesus Christ teaches us to separate ourselves from the world, to give up everything, and to devote ourselves fully to the Lord, not to be devoted to many things, to lead a double life, to make our life in the world...

Since most people do not understand the Word of God, they want to give glory to the Lord by carnal things; they talk about glorifying God in our (worldly) work, in our marriage, in our life in the world in general; whereas the Lord teaches us to renounce our life on earth, our businesses, our human feelings, everything we possess. ... even going so far as to inspire Paul to teach those who have wives to act as if they had none (regarding consecration), so as not to be divided into themselves but to be entirely God's. For God wants us to be wholly his.

God wants us to surrender our whole selves to him in order to make us instruments of his glory. He has nothing to do with those who lead a double life, who do their studies, who are devoted to any worldly enterprise, and instead he asks us to die to all these things, to our carnal ambitions; and to dedicate ourselves fully to his work. This is why Jesus tells us not to work for the food that perishes, but for the food that is eternal. Believers live for themselves, and they use God for themselves, but are "unable" to give up everything to offer themselves entirely to God: for love of God who himself gave his life for us, and for his Church.

Believers must question themselves and come out of this mixture, otherwise we will not be able to recover the true life that the early Church had. A life in true communion with God and true fellowship, where each member is consecrated for his neighbour (brother/sister in Christ), in true charity, in brotherly Love without hypocrisy, where the members are all united in the same Spirit, with the same mind, the same heart, the same goal, the same soul, the same faith. 

Most want to work for the Lord in the flesh, like Martha, instead of seeking to be taught by the Lord by dwelling in His presence, at His feet, like Martha's sister Mary. They want to do many things, and some have real hope that the unbelievers will be converted; but they have not understood the Lord's call, and they reject the wilderness, in the presence of God, that wilderness in which the Lord will make us sanctified vessels of honour, useful in His hands, and prepared for every good work. 

What they do not understand is that instead of working in this world, living their lives according to their own will in this world, or wanting to work carnally for the Lord, they should abandon everything and respond to the Lord's call to set themselves apart and devote all their time to Him in His presence, while being in communion with those who are engaged in the same Way, so that He Himself can teach and sanctify them and thus prepare them to become instruments in His hands. It is by seeing the (True) Love that we (the members of the Church, consecrated together in the True Doctrine and united as members of one body) will have for one another, that the non-believers who must be converted will do so. There is no point in trying to do, but one must seek to become (be), together.

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