Is salvation acquired?

The Word of God does not tell us about salvation as something acquired; but rather as a hope and a goal that we must reach (Romans 8: 24-25) (Hebrews 3: 12-14). Many believers think that salvation is acquired, but the Bible repeatedly tells us about people who have turned away from the faith; but without faith it is impossible to obtain salvation since it is by means of faith that we are saved (Hebrews 11: 6) (Ephesians 2: 8). Some of those who think they have gained their salvation also think that God Himself predestined some people to the Kingdom of God and others to eternal suffering, thus passing off God as a dictator, an unjust and cruel God; but the scriptures teach us that it is God's will that all men be saved by coming to the knowledge of the Truth and to repentance; this fact means that it is not God who alone chooses who will be saved and who will not, since God in his Great Love and Justice gives the same power to all to repent and to walk according to the will of God ( 1 Timothy 2: 4) (2 Peter 3: 9) (Acts 17: 30-31).

We also see repeatedly in the Bible that some who were touched by grace then turned away from grace to live according to their flesh (2 Peter 2: 12-19). No one can say that they are under grace by living in sin since the grace of God is manifested by a life of holiness. It is precisely by grace that it is possible to lead a life of sanctification (Romans 6). If we think that salvation is acquired, it means that we also think that we will be saved even if we die as sinners, and it is a terrible mistake to believe that since nothing defiled will be able to enter into it. Kingdom of God (Revelation 21:27). Walking in holiness allows us to have the hope of salvation and the assurance that if we persevere we will achieve salvation; but we are aware in this case that the sanctifying life is not immune from a fall which can sometimes be fatal (1 Corinthians 10:12). This is the reason why the Word of God exhorts us to persevere and to be armed with all the weapons of God so that we can resist the wiles of the enemy who has only one goal, that of seeing us fall. and perish (Ephesians 6: 10-18). It is obviously not for nothing that we are in a war, because if salvation was a given, why would we still have attacks and temptations from the enemy? Since in any case we would be saved, it would do him no good to continue to seek our downfall. But the enemy is smart, and he knows very well what he is doing, and he is not doing it for nothing. We know that the righteous according to God is the one who is justified by faith, and the Bible which tells us so also tells us that the righteous are hardly saved (1 Peter 4:18).

According to the Bible there are some people who receive the Word of God with joy and who believe for a time, but since they have no root, when tribulation comes because of the Truth they withdraw and lose their faith ( Matthew 13: 20-21). There are also those who have faith and who allow themselves to be seduced by the riches of this world, they turn away from the faith and throw themselves into much torment (1 Timothy 6:10). The scriptures tell us about the Hebrews who were delivered out of the land of Egypt and who rebelled against God because of their unbelief; they perished in the wilderness, and it is written that this is an example for us who are under the new covenant; for if God did not spare them because of their unbelief He will not spare those who are such today (1 Corinthians 10: 1-10) (Jude 1: 5-6).Jesus himself exhorts us by saying to watch and pray so that we do not fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41).

The Christian life is not a game as some believe; it is about our eternity and the devil who is our adversary prowls around us like a roaring lion seeking whom he will devour (1 Peter 5: 8). It is important to understand that we are in a war with the enemy and that the only way to have power over him is to live according to the Spirit of God by abiding in Christ every day of our life (Romans 8: 9 ). Christ is our victory, he is the true Vine, and we are the branches, and the only way to bear fruit is to stay attached to the Vine. outside of Christ we cannot produce anything; outside of Christ we are defeated beforehand by the enemy (John 15: 1-8). Jesus tells us that we will be hated by all because of his Name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved (Mark 13:13). It is in perseverance that we will be able to obtain salvation, for it is in hope that we are saved, and the hope that we see is no longer hope, because what we see can still be seen. hope ? But if we hope for what we do not see, it is because we are patiently waiting for it. In fact, hope is not taken for granted, which is why we must stand firm in order to be able to achieve salvation (Romans 8: 24-25).
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