We have to give up this world

Many claim to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ while leading a double life, but the truth is that no one can become a follower of Jesus Christ unless he renounces his own life. If one is bothered with the affairs of this life on earth, if he undertakes anything in this world, he cannot follow the Lord. Before one can enter the Narrow Way one must first renounce all things of this world, including business, and one's own life; which means that all those who are still living a life outside of consecration are not even yet on the Way to eternal life. 

Luke 14:33 So then, each of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

If you follow men, the so-called Christians of this world, you will go with them into the pit. If because "believers" go to the movies, you go to the movies; if because they watch movies, you watch movies; if because they work in this world and "pastors" push them to do so to get their money, you also work in this world; if because they live in sin, you live in sin; if because they refuse to be set apart, you don't set yourself apart... then because they are heading into the pit, you are also heading into the pit with them.

Ask yourself if you really want to risk eternal suffering for blindly following crowds? Yet you know and often hear that according to the Bible there are few chosen ones, and that the whole world is under the power of the evil one. I pray that the Lord will remove the veil that is before your eyes, so that those who are to believe will do so now, for the times are evil, and we must redeem the times. There is no connection between Light and darkness, and there is no connection between the Kingdom of God and this world, for the Kingdom of God is not of this world, and the Lord calls us out of this world into his Kingdom:

Luke 9:23 Then he said to all, "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross day by day and follow me. 24 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. 25 And what profit is it to a man to gain the whole world, if he destroys himself and loses himself?

If anyone is pleased with this world, and wants to live his life in this world, he has no part in the kingdom of God. The Lord calls His people to first renounce this world, and then to live in self-denial and fellowship with true believers, stripping off the old inner man in the presence of God together until they obtain the promise of the new birth (putting on the new man created in the image of God in true righteousness and holiness).

Many people have no patience, no perseverance, they want everything right away, and they refuse to separate themselves from the world, to set themselves apart and to strip themselves in the presence of God. Because of this they can never become followers of Christ, and the devil will use them to turn others away from their calling. Let us understand that the devil can use all those who have not yet given up everything, who are still double-hearted, because man has not invented anything, all our thoughts are inspired, either by God or by the devil, which means that if you do not have the mind of Christ in its entirety, the devil can still use you without you even knowing it 

Let us ask the Lord to give us discernment, to give us His mind, to sanctify us from all inspiration that does not come from Him, and to guide us in His will; let us ask Him with faith and constantly until the devil can no longer lie to us and use us to destroy others:

2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also from the desires of youth, and seek righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart. 23 And put away foolish and uninformed questions, knowing that they only produce strife. 24 Now the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but gentle to all, apt to teach, bearing patiently with the wicked. 25 Teaching with gentleness those who are of a contrary mind, [so as to try] whether some day God will give them repentance to recognise the truth; 26 And that they may awake [to get out] of the snares of the Devil, by whom they were taken to do his will.
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