Stand firm after the death of a loved one

I know it is very difficult to move on after losing a loved one, it is sad, and because of human feelings it is possible to never get over it. The problem is, if the links with the dead are not broken we will never be able to move forward. I speak to Christians who have lost one or more loved ones and I do not overlook the fact that it can be difficult because it is the worst thing that can happen to a man (woman) here on earth apart from his own loss. . You need to know that your disappointment will not bring anyone back to life; Jesus said that no one by his worries can prolong his days. None of our worries or disappointments will be able to change anything in what is done but on the contrary they can only prevent us from moving forward (Luke 12:25).

If we want to follow Jesus, to do his will, the carnal feelings that are in us must die. A man will say to Jesus before following him: "Let me first go and bury my father", and by that he meant to mourn as well, but Jesus is going to answer him: "Let the dead bury their dead, but you will. and proclaim the Kingdom of God ". Jesus was not without sorrow for the death of this man's father, but he knew that nothing would change and that the most important thing was to announce the Kingdom so that as many souls as possible could be saved (Luke 9: 59-60). Jesus asks us to leave the dead and to do everything so that those who still live are saved, because that is Love according to God. Despite all the souls who perish God suffers but does not stop there, he continues to want to save those who can still be saved. It's the same with us, if someone dies, whether they are saved or not, there is nothing more that can be done for them, so we have to focus on those who are still alive.

Through our disappointment, how can we contribute to the salvation of our loved ones who are still living? It is quite a questioning that I invite you to practice. In this world we have a family according to the flesh and a family in Christ but the family according to the flesh will not be eternal because in heaven we will be ONE with all the children of God and there will be neither husband nor husband. woman or child, because we will all be united in God and one family (Luke 20: 34-38). It is for this reason that Jesus as a man will say that his mother and brothers are those who listen to the Word of God and put it into practice (Luke 8: 20-21). We must rise up, we must fight, we must persevere in spite of trials, in spite of difficulties, our God is our Father and we have a family in Christ.

If our loved ones are converted and saved Glory be to God, and if they die being fulfilled in Christ then we don't have to worry about their souls, and if they die being sinners then it is great. sadness for us, for God, and for all those who have the burden of souls on their hearts, but nothing will be able to change what is being done. The bible teaches us that it is permissible for a man to die only once after which judgment comes, and we cannot change it, so let's rise up no matter what and fight for those who are still. alive on earth (Hebrews 9:27). May God console anyone who is downcast and give them the strength to keep moving forward. Let’s fight the good fight of faith and finish the race.
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