Dreams about the Doctrine of Jesus Christ

First dream

About a year and a half after my conversion, while I was with my wife at my older blood brother's house to share my faith with him because the Lord was touching him, one night after reading a lot of Paul's writings, I received the following dream:

"I was standing in the middle of the room, and in front of me, close by, was Paul, while on my right was Jesus; and I could see Paul face to face, but I could not turn to Jesus and look him in the face. So Paul was facing me and teaching me things that I don't remember, and Jesus also started trying to make me understand something, they were trying to convince me, but with great compassion, great Love, talking to me as to a brother.

Paul spoke to me for a while with gentleness and insistence, facing me and close to me, and I could hear Jesus, I could feel him on my right, and while looking at Paul from the front, I could see on my right the figure of a man with a long tunic and a hood on his head, so that the hood shaded his face; He was very close to me as was Paul, but I could see him without being able to turn and look him in the face; I could not look away from Paul to turn my head towards Jesus but I knew for sure that it was him. Then I understood, I received the revelation they wanted to give me when I heard "Love". So I said, "aaah right" and they both said, "but yes".

And that's all I remember of that first dream.

I realised some time ago that because I was not ready (holy/perfect) I could not see the face of the Lord, and if we were in some kind of dark basement, it was because they were the ones who came to me to teach me, not me who went to the Kingdom of God.

It is impossible to see the face of Jesus without having completed our sanctification, because without sanctification no one can see the Lord. And it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of God without being born of God; it is by meditating on this dream and on other divine dreams and visions (I invite you to read the prophecy for the Church which I share in the section: Prophecies) that my questioning concerning the new birth began and that I then received great revelations from the Lord (which I share in teachings/exhortations).

Second dream

A few months after the first dream, as I continued to seek God, I received this dream:

"As I sat in a chair there was a man beside me teaching me, but I only looked at the Bible he had open before me on a table. He was showing me the Bible but there was nothing written in it, because it was filled with symbols, all the pages were filled with little hearts. Automatically I understood that it was Love, but then a symbol appeared in the middle of the others, and it looked like this: D(((; and I meditated while looking at it, and then I received the revelation of what it meant, and it meant: Go against yourself."

God was teaching me the one and only true Doctrine, charity; which is that we die to ourselves totally (renunciation) in order to be filled with the fullness of God and to be able to serve His Church truly.

To love our brother (sister) in Christ by giving ourselves up for him (her) is to love God. Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments, and this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. By dedicating our whole life for the salvation of the Church we love both God and our neighbour, that is why the Bible tells us that the Royal Law is: Love your neighbour as yourself, and that there is no greater Love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.

We must therefore go against this world, against ourselves, against our flesh, against our desires, against our own will, so that we can be stripped of the old sinful man in us and put on the new man created according to God in righteousness and holiness, that is, Christ. 

As Christ laid down his life for us, we too must lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters:

"We have known charity, in that he laid down his life for us. We too must lay down our lives for our brothers" (1 John 3:16).
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