We must go into the desert so that God may fill us with his Water 

It is in the desert, in the place of solitude, that the Lord will reveal to us the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. It is in the desert that he will give us the revelations necessary for our sanctification. 

The revealed Word of God represents both spiritual food and spiritual drink, according to the image we use as an example. This food represents the flesh of Christ (the Lamb), or the Bread of heaven (Christ), the unleavened Bread of Truth. It is for this food that the Lord asks us to work; it is the food that is permanent until eternal Life, and it is Christ who gives us this food, only in the desert. 

I am going to speak mainly about the Word of God as a beverage, although it is exactly the same Word. This revealed Word represents spiritual Water; it is this Water that Jesus speaks of when he says that whoever drinks of the Water that he (Jesus) will give him, will never thirst again, but this Water will become in him (in the one who receives it) a source of Water that will spring up into eternal Life.

This Water therefore represents the revealed Word of God, not the letter, but the living Word, which is Spirit, and which God reveals to us by His Spirit. When the Lord speaks of the Word that sanctifies us, he is not talking about the scriptures, for they cannot reveal their own meaning, but he is talking about the revelations we receive from God, in our spirit, when we seek him with all our heart, in the desert.

It is in the wilderness that the Lord fills us with His Water, and if we are to be born again, we must first be filled with Water to the top (totally). We must therefore set ourselves apart and isolate ourselves in the presence of God, in order to seek Him with all our heart and receive the revelations necessary for our sanctification. 

If we want to be born again, we must first complete our sanctification, for new wine is not put into old wineskins, but into new (renewed) wineskins. The vessels that we are must be filled with Water to the top, so that this Water can be changed into Wine, as I say and repeat in the teachings that I share. 

The Lord wants to make us his sons and daughters; but to do so we must be born of God, and to be born of God we must first receive the knowledge of the mysteries of Christ. If God's people (those who have received the deposit of the Spirit) perish, it is because they lack knowledge. It is through the revelations of God that we can be born again, for it is the revealed Word of God, and it is written that in it was Life.

Just as the Hebrew people drank of the Water of the Rock, which represented Christ, in the wilderness, so we too will be filled with His Water in the wilderness. And this Water that will fill us more and more, also represents Christ, who will be formed in us, who will grow in us more and more; and the more Christ will grow in us, the more our old man will diminish; knowing that the goal is that our old man will be totally crucified (dead), and that we will be filled with all the fullness of God, as the scriptures say. 

So it is through the knowledge of the mysteries of the Gospel that this Water (the Word/Christ) will fill us more and more, until we can understand, with all the saints, what is the breadth, the length, the depth, the height; and know the Love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge. And we cannot limit God, He is able, by the Power that works in us, to do far beyond what we ask and think.

Are we among those who still thirst for the Truth? for the living Word of God? Let us ask ourselves this question. If we are truly thirsty for God, then there is nothing to stop us from abandoning everything to set ourselves apart and devote ourselves fully to the search for the Lord.

We must understand that the Word that sanctifies us is not the letter, but the revelation. Faith does not come from what we read, but from what we hear, that is, from what we hear from God in our spirit (what we receive from God through his Spirit). Jesus tells us not just to listen to his Word, but to put it into practice; he speaks of putting into practice the revelations we receive from God when we are in his presence.

When we seek with all our heart to understand God's will, to understand what we are to do, then He gives us revelations. We then become hearers of God's Word, and we must then put it into practice, in order to build our house on the Rock. But if we do not directly put into practice the Word, which we receive by revelation, and which produces in us an immediate conviction, that is to say the faith necessary to be able to act immediately; then we end up reasoning (by the flesh) behind the letter, doubting and losing the conviction we have received. We then become forgetful listeners.

We must absolutely withdraw into the wilderness, so that the Lord can truly sanctify us, and complete our sanctification, so that we can be born of God and thus become children of God. Therefore the Lord says: Come out from among them and be separate, and touch nothing unclean, and I will receive you; and I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters. And he said, He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Having therefore such promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, completing our sanctification in the fear of God. Let us not worry about our needs and those of our families, for the Lord promises us that if we seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, everything else will be given to us in addition. Let us not fear anything or anyone, for the Lord who is with us is Almighty, and no one can do anything to us without the permission of our God. 

Let us go out to meet the Lord who is waiting for us, and let us not look to the things of the earth, but let us fix our eyes on Christ, and let us put our trust fully in Him. Let us not let the devil turn us away from the call we have received, for there are many called but few chosen. Let us not let the devil make us look to the things of the earth, to threats, to worries, to cares... for he will use these things to destroy us, if we look to these things. Let us continually think of things above, and close our ears and eyes to anything that may take us away from the Spirit of God. 

If we live by the flesh, we cannot do it, but if we live by the Spirit, we will. Therefore let us be mindful only of things above, and not of things on earth; let us have no regard for these things, but be constantly in the Spirit. Let us not forget that without sanctification no one will see the Lord; and without the new birth no one will see the Kingdom of God. 

Let us separate ourselves from the world, and set ourselves apart; let us go into the wilderness so that God can sanctify us completely and clothe us with the Power from on high (the New Wine). 

Isaiah 35:1 The desert and the dry land will rejoice! It shall blossom and bloom like the lily. 2 It shall blossom and be glad; it shall shout for joy and sing for joy. The glory of Lebanon, the magnificence of Carmel and Sharon, is given to her. They shall see the glory of The LORD, the glory of our God. 3 Strengthen the hands that faint; make the knees that tremble. 4 Say to those who are troubled in heart, "Be of good cheer, and don`t be afraid: this is your God. Vengeance will come, the recompense of God. He himself will come and deliver you. 5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. 6 Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing for joy. For waters will flow in the desert, and streams in the desert. 7 The dry place shall be turned into a pool, and the thirsty land into a spring of water. The place where the jackals used to lodge shall be a park of reeds and rushes. 8 There shall be a highway and a road there, which shall be called the way of holiness. He who is defiled shall not pass through it, but it shall be for them alone: and they who walk in it, even the foolish, shall not stray from it. 9 There shall be no lion there; neither shall the wild animals go up into it, nor be found there; but the redeemed shall walk in it. 10 Those whose ransom The LORD has paid shall return and come to Zion with a song of triumph; and everlasting joy shall be on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and groaning shall flee away.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing: now shall it come to pass, shall ye not know it? I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 20 The animals of the field shall glorify me, the jackals with the owls, because I have put waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give water to my people, my chosen. 21 The people whom I have formed for myself will declare my praise.

Hebrews 12:12 Strengthen therefore your feeble hands, and your feeble knees; 13 And make your feet straight, that what is amiss may not go astray, but rather be healed. 14 Seek peace with all men, and sanctification, without which no man shall see the Lord; 15 Seeing that no man withholds the grace of God, and that no root of bitterness growing out of the way trouble you, and that many be not infected with it.

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