There are many who teach error

Our generation is by far the worst of all; there are so many who claim to be of Christ and teach lies; who are workers of the devil, used to deceive the called of God. There are also so many people who have been called by God, who have received the Spirit's deposit, who think they are God's servants when they are in error.

The scriptures tell us that we must not be many to teach, and that those who teach will be judged more severely, so they must be perfect in their teachings, so as not to mislead the believers. But today more than ever, there are tons of believers who want to teach the Word of God, while they do not understand it. 

Before we can teach, we must first be taught by the Holy Spirit about the mysteries of the Gospel. Our teaching must not come from the letter, but from the revelations of God, which we receive in His presence, when we are devoted solely to the search for the Truth. 

He who does not work will not eat either; that is why Jesus tells us to work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that is eternal; for the flesh of Christ, the Bread of Life, the revealed Word of God (the revelations of God). If we are not invested in this work all the time, we cannot claim to interpret the scriptures; for it is only by revelation that we can understand them, and it is he who seeks who finds.

Today, most want to be something, they want titles or roles as pastors, doctors... but they do not understand that it is not the one who wants to be something that God will set up to teach and feed his flock, but it is the one who is humble in heart. God gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud, and without His grace, no one can understand the scriptures and teach them.

What are the motives of all those people who claim to be of Christ and are not, but teach in the name of Jesus? Or of all those people who have received the Holy Spirit but are in error, who have not been appointed to teach and do so anyway? 

God cannot reveal His Doctrine to someone who seeks his own glory; or who is proud, or jealous, or a liar; or to someone who will not dare to share it for fear of men, of rejection, of persecution, of loneliness; or to someone who will abandon his conviction during trials, persecutions, tribulations... 

God will reveal His Doctrine to someone who has been tested first, and who has been judged worthy to receive and teach it. To one who will remain steadfast in spite of opposition from those he loves, in spite of persecution, in spite of sifting; one whose faith will have been tested, and who in spite of all trials will not give up, but will persevere in the things he has received and continue to seek to understand the will of God. Someone who even though abandoned by all, hated by all, contradicted by all, rejected by all, falsely accused... will have kept his original faith and persevered in seeking God.

After testing this person, God knows that he will be able to proclaim His Doctrine with boldness, and stand firm. God knows that even if everyone opposes it, this person will not back down; he will not give up; he will not yield to pressure; he will not turn away from what he has received from God; he will dare to speak freely and will not allow himself to be persuaded by those who will try to turn him away from the Truth.

God must therefore test a person before he can directly reveal the mysteries of his Gospel and ask him to teach them. I note with sadness, that believers teach without having been established by God, and therefore God will not allow them to be in all Truth. They teach what they understand according to the flesh, by their own understanding, and not what the Holy Spirit teaches, therefore they can boast in themselves. 

If you are sincere in your search for Truth, then do not seek to teach, rather seek to understand the will of God, day and night, constantly, and He will reveal to you the mysteries of His Kingdom, which you can share with others afterwards; work for your salvation, work for good food. And if you want to save a lot of time, then I invite you to read the teachings that I share, and if you seek to understand the will of God with all your heart, with humility, without jealousy, without pride, then He will teach you in all Truth.

Remember that if one blind man leads another blind man they will both fall into a pit. Therefore, not only must you not seek to teach until you have been taught by God; but you must also be careful not to read and listen to all kinds of teachings until you have sufficient discernment gained in the presence of God, to be able to discern good and evil, true and false; for if you open your hearts to falsehood, to the smallest subtle lie, then you are in danger of being lost.

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