The Lord calls his people to repentance

Brothers and sisters, you who want to follow the Lord, who would like to please him and do his will, I must tell you on behalf of the Lord that no matter what path you have taken until now, it is not yet too late to challenge yourself. I know that there are few people who are really sincere in their search for Truth, and many take pleasure in this world, and smear the Name of Jesus and associate it with a life of mixture, and I invite these people to repent, and to seek the Lord with a sincere heart. But I also know that there are some people who are sincere in their research and who for lack of knowledge have not taken the Right Path, the Only Path that leads to the Father, and the Lord inspires me to speak particularly to These people.

I know it can sometimes be difficult to admit that we have gone wrong, that we have possibly done a lot of things in vain, needlessly, and to recognize that we are not doing what we should be doing. It is difficult for someone who has been on a bad road for a while to recognize that he was wrong, and now needs to change his path. It is difficult for someone who thought he was doing the will of God to admit that he was wrong, even if he receives the conviction in himself.

Many people recognized that Jesus was in the Truth when he was on earth, and yet they preferred to be glorified by men rather than by God, so today many refuse to repent because they like to be glorified. by men. Others refuse to repent because of the gaze of men; they say to themselves: what are all these people going to say who know me when they see that I was wrong all this time? Some people think that they have gone too far, that they can no longer turn around, all because of the gaze of people who are perishing.

The question I invite you to ask yourself is: Is it really worth it to suffer eternally for lack of humility? Or in order not to disappoint men when the Lord has suffered by exposing his life for us? Sincerely my friends, if we win the whole world but lose ourselves, what's the point? Look at the humility of Paul, who persecuted the Church of Christ believing to do the will of God, and who repented to truly serve the Lord. Who among us has come as far back as Paul? Who among us has done so much harm to the Church and therefore to Christ as Paul? None of us who are sincere in our search for Truth. So if he was able to repent and become a true disciple, a member of the very Church he was persecuting, how much more must we accept to turn away from the wrong path we are taking.

The Lord calls his people to truly question themselves and to turn to him to understand and do his will. He who has been forgiven a lot will love a lot, this is the reason why Paul dedicated his life and suffered more than others for the Church, voluntarily, because he wanted to make up for it and take care of it. Church he persecuted, giving his life for her. He wanted to love the God whom he rejected without realizing it, considering himself unworthy of the grace of God. Likewise, I invite you to question yourself, to remember all the harm you have done to men (women) and to the Lord through your disobedience and your error, and to give yourself up to save as much as possible, because he there is no greater Love than to give your life for those you love.

We are in a time when the whole world is heading in eternal suffering, and we who are called by the Lord are the only ones who can do anything to save a few (as many as possible) in this twisted generation. Are we not going to stand up and fight fighting the good fight of faith rather than calling ourselves Christians and letting the Enemy of all humans tear God's people apart? Haven't we done enough harm ourselves? And don't we see enough around us to make us react? It is easy to create associations, to work to help the poor of the world, to give medicine to people (medicines are not from God), to create orphanages, hospitals (these things do not come from God) … But will it save the world? Sincerely? We know it already exists in the world, but let's dedicate ourselves for things that are everlasting and not for things that will end.

The Lord calls us to do things much greater than that by his Power, but all choose the easy, and they even have the appearance of godliness, but they deny its strength. It's easy to take people's money and do all of these things, but where is the True Power of God in all of this? We don't see the Power that the early church had, simply because no one wants to completely forsake this world and set themselves apart in order to be prepared to become an instrument of the Glory of God. It is much easier to believe ourselves justified by giving money to the poor, or by doing any carnal act, but the Word of God tells us that we can give all we have, but if we don't we do not have the charity which consists in giving our own life as a living sacrifice to become a vessel of honor, sanctified and useful to the Lord, that is of no use to us.

As I like to repeat, there is only one work in Christ, but today we see many people claiming to be Christians acting carnally and even being divided among themselves. The work of Christ is not in doing carnal things as we see it today, his work is in Power, as we can read in the gospels and in the acts of the apostles. We are not called to show ourselves everywhere to have vain glory here below in this world, but to prepare ourselves to become instruments in the work that God is about to do on earth by means of the real one. Church that will soon rise.

Whether you are one of those who have taken the wrong path out of ignorance, or those who have strayed from God and are aware of it but who think they have gone too far, know that in any case there is still time to repent. , and remember that the prodigal son was mightily blessed after returning to the Father. In the same way if you come back to him he will reveal great things to you, things that he never revealed to you before your estrangement, it is a promise of the Father to all those who have strayed from him in a way. or another and which return to him with a sincere heart and entirely his.

Do not doubt God, nor his Love, do not allow yourself to be seduced by the Enemy of your souls who makes you believe that your thoughts come from yourself, as if you were able to think anything for yourself - same. In truth all that we have in us and all that inspires us comes either from God or from the Enemy who is the devil and who wants to keep your souls for eternal sufferings, and the only way not to leave it you to inspire is to sanctify yourself in the presence of God, because in doing so the Lord will purify your hearts and minds, and give you his clear mind.

What I invite you to do on behalf of the Lord is therefore to stop all your activities, to cancel all your projects, not to worry about anything and to isolate yourself and humble yourself in the presence of God so that he cleanses you by prayer and by his revealed Word (his revelations) and that he can then inspire you alone and guide you in his will. This is the only way for you to be sure that you are on the right track and be inspired by it alone. You know, nothing that you have done in this world will be able to save you, so you have to look at all these things like dirt, and only give importance to Christ and his will. Come to the Lord, in his presence, let him sanctify you, teach you, and he will guide you and reveal to you the mystery of his will.

This is the part that Mary had chosen, unlike Marthe who wanted to do carnal things and who worried and was agitated for many things; but the Lord said that it was Mary who had chosen the good part, the one THAT WILL NOT BE TAKEN FROM HER (an eternal part). Do not follow the crowds my friends, for this is about your eternity and most people will not be saved. May the Lord open your eyes with his grace.
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