We must live the resurrection of the soul

Although there is no perfect translation of the bible and most people twist the meaning of the scriptures because they interpret them according to the letter (by the flesh / by human intelligence), we can understand them. scriptures according to the Spirit (by revelation of God / by grace). Peter confirms to us that there are points difficult to understand and particularly in the writings of Paul; and that many twist the meaning of his writings for lack of revelation (2 Peter 3: 14-16).

Today many people think they have understood the scriptures but do not understand according to the Spirit (the Truth) but according to the letter. This is the reason why we must not look in the letter but in the Spirit (in Christ), in order to then be able to understand the letter, even if the translation is not perfect.

I will first of all speak of a passage which according to many people is carnal and concerns the resurrection of the flesh, but which according to God is spiritual and concerns the resurrection of the soul, that is to say the indispensable new birth. to salvation:

1 Corinthians 15 (BYM): 21 For since death came through a human being, the resurrection of the dead also came through a human being. 22 For as all die in Adam, so also shall all be quickened in Christ.

1 Corinthians 15 (People's Bible): 21 A man brought death to us, and another man brings us the resurrection of the dead. 22 All die because they are included in Adam, and all are brought to life when they are in Christ.

I have shared two translations with you to help you understand. What this passage teaches us (with the help of the Holy Spirit and fitting it together with the rest of the scriptures) is that all humans are spiritually dead in Adam and deprived of the Glory of God because of the inheritance. of sin, and that those who will follow the Lord and truly become His disciples will come to life and regain the Glory that Adam lost, that is, they will be born again (in the sense that they will be reborn / will be resurrected / come back to life) by faith in the Power of God and in the resurrection after being sanctified and robbed of the old man (Adam) by faith and perseverance. This is the Doctrine that we are to put into practice and that Paul was teaching the Ephesians who were not yet born of God but who were close to the goal:

Ephesians 4:20 But you, this is not how you have learned about Christ, 21 if you have heard him and been instructed by him, in accordance with the truth which is in Jesus: 22 to strip yourselves for this which is of your previous conduct, of the old man who corrupts himself according to the desires of seduction, 23 to let yourself be renewed by the Spirit in your mind, 24 and to put on yourselves the new man, created in the image of God in true righteousness and holiness.

And this is also the Doctrine that the Colossians who were born of God put into practice:

Colossians 2: 9 Because in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And you are filled (filled / fulfilled) in him, who is the head of all principality and all authority. 11 In him also you are circumcised by a circumcision which was not done with the hand, by the stripping of the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ. 12 Having been buried with him in baptism, in him also you were raised (born again) together by means of faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead. 13 And when you were dead in your sins, and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he quickened you (made alive) together with him, having freely forgiven you all your sins.

Although we still have much to discover, the Lord is teaching us His Doctrine and we already have something to put it into practice. I still advise you not to try to understand by reasoning behind the letter, because the letter without prior revelations kills, and you risk dying because of the lack of understanding of what you are reading.

The devil does not need to make you fall into great sins to make you miss your salvation, he just has to make you believe that you are already born of God (condition of salvation) when you are not yet. ; for no one will be able to experience the new birth without expecting it by faith as the bible and the Holy Spirit teach us, for it is by faith and perseverance that we obtain the promises of God and it is written that it is impossible to please the Lord without faith. The believer must believe that God is the remunerator of those who call on him and therefore he must wait on God, which is why the first disciples waited together in perfect communion of the Spirit for the promise of God. Father after being ordered to wait until he is clothed with Power from on high.

So if someone believes that they have been born of God without being born, they cannot live it. Now it is written that new wine is not put in old wineskins, but in new wineskins, which means that to be born again one must first have been totally sanctified by the Lord. This is where we need to understand the difference between receiving the Holy Ghost as the first disciples experienced at the end of the Gospel according to John, and being born again as the first disciples. lived the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

The Holy Spirit is given to us as a little seed that grows in us as we nourish it by living by the Spirit and decreases when we live by the flesh. This means that when the Spirit that is in us grows it is Christ forming in us and the old man decreases, and when the flesh (the old man) grows in us well it is Christ (the Spirit) which decreases; And if we live by the flesh too long by grieving the Spirit which is in us then this Spirit can definitively be extinguished (let us be careful).

Until this Spirit takes all the place in us (until we are filled with the Spirit), we cannot be born again, because if the Spirit does not take all the place in us it is is that our old man is not yet fully crucified with Christ; but as long as our old man is not totally crucified we will not be able to put on the new man created in the image of God (be reborn) and thus regain the Glory that Adam lost and therefore Eternal Life.

This is why it is written that: if the grain of wheat that has fallen to the ground does not die, it does not bear fruit, but if it dies, it bears much fruit; and that whoever wants to save his life (live for himself / keep his life) will lose it, but whoever loses his life (who will renounce his own life and consecrate it fully to the Lord by shedding the old man ) will find it; because before Christ can fully live in us we must die to ourselves completely; and so we can say without hypocrisy that it is no longer we who live, but that it is Christ who lives in us.

Now let's understand that before the water is changed into wine (new covenant / new birth), the vessels must be filled with water (Word / Spirit) to the top:

John 2: 6 Now there were six stone vessels there, set for the cleansing of the Jews, each containing two or three measures. 7 Jesus said to them, Fill these vessels with water; and they filled them to the top. 8 And he said unto them, Draw out it now, and carry it to the chief of the feast. And they did. 9 When the chief of the feast had tasted the water that had turned into wine ...

We must therefore become new wineskins, vessels (vessels) totally sanctified (filled with water) in order to be able to be born again by faith and in communion (this is again an indispensable subject of teaching because it is It is TOGETHER that we will be resuscitated and not individually. To better understand I invite you to read all my teachings concerning this Doctrine as well as the writings of the new covenant).
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