We must overcome to become children of God

Just before I came to do the publication I am writing, I asked the Lord to inspire me with something if He wanted me to do a publication to teach and exhort believers; and as I was about to get on my knees to pray more earnestly, He inspired me with something related to this passage of scripture: 

Revelation 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. 7 He who overcomes will inherit all things. I will be his God, and he will be my son. 8 But for the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the fornicators, the poisoners, the idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake of fire and brimstone; this is the second death.

If we examine the scriptures carefully, we notice that in this passage the Lord is speaking to believers. He is speaking to the churches, as we see at the beginning of the book of Revelation.

To each of the churches the Lord addresses a particular message, however, to all the churches He makes a promise, only to the overcomers. Coming back to this passage in Revelation 21, we must understand that the Lord is addressing believers here too, and He tells them that he who overcomes will inherit all things and become a son of God (child of God). 

There are some important details, which confirm absolutely everything I teach from the Lord. Firstly, the Lord says that He will give freely of the spring of living water to the thirsty. I told you in the teachings that I share, that the first seed that we receive, represents Water; it is the deposit of the Spirit; we therefore receive the Spirit under the aspect of spiritual Water. This revelation is confirmed by this passage:

John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture saith, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (Now this he said of the Spirit whom those who believed in him should receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet [given], because Jesus was not yet glorified).

We see very clearly in this passage that the rivers of living water represent the Holy Spirit which we receive freely, by faith alone, after we believe. And we easily understand that in the passage of Revelation 21 that I quoted, when the Lord says that He will give freely of the spring of living water to the thirsty, He is talking about this seed (the deposit of the Spirit) which represents the spiritual Water. 

I also said to you that the fact of receiving this Water (the deposits of the Spirit), does not represent the new birth; because to be born again is not only to be born of Water, but it is to be born of Water and Spirit; and if the deposits of the Spirit represent Water, it is its fullness which represents the new Wine. It is therefore necessary that the Water we have received be changed into Wine; and to do this, this Water must completely fill the vessels that we are.

For more details I invite you to read the other teachings on this subject. In the passage of Revelation 21 that I quoted, the Lord says that if anyone is thirsty, he will give him free of charge of the spring of living water; which means that he will give him the deposit of the Spirit. 

This first seed that we receive also represents the POWER by which we can BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD. It is this power that is spoken of in this passage:

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name; 13 Which were not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man; but were born of God.

This passage confirms that we receive this power (the deposit of the Spirit) simply by faith. It speaks of the living water that the Lord gives freely to those who thirst, to those who believe in his name. 

Continuing in the Revelation passage I quoted, it says that he who overcomes shall inherit all things, and shall become a child of God, and therefore shall be born of God, since as explained in the above passage (John 1); those who are children of God are those who are born of God (this is obvious). 

We can understand with the help of the Holy Spirit, that the Lord says this to those who have received from the fountain of living water; and he goes on to say that for the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the fornicators, the poisoners, the idolaters, and all liars, their portion is in the lake of fire and brimstone; this is the second death.

He teaches us that among those who have believed and received the deposit of the Spirit (the fountain of living water), there will be those who will overcome and become children of God (born of God after overcoming); and those whom the Lord will vomit out of His Body, saying to them REMOVE FROM ME, all you workers of iniquity. 

The basic inspiration I received from the Lord concerning the passage in Revelation 21 is the fact that in this passage the Lord is speaking to people who have received the Holy Spirit. And as I said before, I repeat: among those who have received this seed, there are those who will overcome the world and the flesh, and become children of God; and those who will not overcome and will perish in eternal suffering. 

We have therefore been given the POWER to overcome sin, the world and our sinful nature, in order to become children of God. We must now overcome, by this power we have received; we must sanctify and divest ourselves of our sinful nature, by this power, so that our old man may be totally crucified and we can put on the new man, created according to God, in righteousness and holiness.

Most believers who received the Holy Spirit by faith perished in eternal suffering. Just as most of the Hebrews who were delivered from the land of Egypt perished in the wilderness before reaching the promised land. And the scriptures tell us that this was to serve as an example to us. 

What do we do after receiving the Spirit's deposit by faith? Do we surrender ourselves totally to the Lord so that He may sanctify us and make us sanctified vessels of honour, useful in His hands and prepared for every good work? Or do we live our lives in the world, while partially sanctifying ourselves? Are we warm or lukewarm? Are we whole to God or divided in ourselves? Are we fully devoted to God or devoted to many things? Knowing that if we are lukewarm, double-hearted, the Lord will take His Spirit from us and vomit us out of His Body. 

After receiving the Spirit, we must surrender ourselves entirely to the Lord, for this is His will, and this is the only Way that leads to salvation. Do not think that God cannot remove the candlestick from its place; although He is patient with us, if we do not bear fruit, the fig tree that we are will eventually wither; and the only way to bear fruit is to remain continually attached to Christ. 

I want to overcome in the name of Jesus, by the power that he has given me; that I may not take his grace in vain, nor perish with the unbelievers. When someone makes a purchase and pays the deposit, he can still withdraw from his purchase. Until we have attained the goal, until we have obtained the victory through the seed we have received (the grace of God which is sufficient for us) and through faith and love, we are not fully purchased, and God can retract his purchase.

Are we of those who withdraw to be lost? Or are we of those who have faith for the salvation of our souls? What do we have to gain in this world? If we want to keep our life, to live our own life in this world, then we will lose it; but if we give our life to the Lord, in order to do his will, then we will save it. For charity is the fulfilment of the Law, and there is no greater charity than to give one's life for one's friends.

We can do this, because we have received the power; and with this power, with the deposit of the Spirit; and with faith and charity; we can overcome and obtain the promise; become true children of God. God has done everything so that we can do it; his grace is sufficient for us, let us not take it in vain.

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