Christ our passover

The Word of God teaches us that Christ is our Passover, for Christ is our deliverance, and we should not celebrate the Passover as the world or as the old covenant believers, but we should celebrate it spiritually every day of our time. life.

Christ is the Paschal Lamb (Passover Lamb), and we are to eat his flesh and drink his blood. It is about eating heavenly food in the presence of God, the revealed Word of God who produces faith in us, and putting this faith into practice through charity, out of Love for God and for the Church. Christ (the revealed Word) is Unleavened Bread (Truth), and the celebration of the Passover in Christ is not a carnal celebration, but a wholly spiritual celebration:

1 Corinthians 5: 6 Your vanity is unfounded; don't you know that a little leaven makes all the dough rise? 7 Take away therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new dough, as you are unleavened; for Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. 8 Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of wickedness and malice, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

In the context of this passage, Paul is talking about removing the sinner from the midst of the Corinthians, and he is talking about celebrating the Passover, that is, Christ, our deliverance. He told the Corinthians to take away the sinner from among them, so that his leaven would not be spread throughout the whole assembly. He says that since Christ was slain for us, that is to say to cleanse us from sin and to save us, we must sacrifice our lives to the Lord and no longer sin, that is, be unleavened.

The leaven also represents the lie, the false teachings, the hypocrisy etc ..., this is why Paul tells us that the unleavened bread represents the sincerity and the truth. Those who are sincere with Christ are not double in heart, lukewarm, and do not pretend to glorify the Lord. They do not take his deliverance in vain, and as a result they no longer live in their sins (the old leaven), and they celebrate Christ (the Passover) sincerely every day.

Today and for a long time, many people think of giving glory to God by carnal acts, but these people unfortunately do not have the Love for God who asks to sacrifice our life as a living sacrifice to God, and it is yet what pleases him here is the worship that we must render to God and in which he takes pleasure:

Romans 12: 1 I beseech you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that you offer your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable worship.

Of course it is much easier to do carnal acts and carnal feasts in which our flesh takes pleasure instead of being stripped. It is also much easier to interpret the scriptures with the flesh and to our advantage, so we think we are justified by acts of the flesh and not by the works of faith. However, it is only by the works of faith that we prove our faith, and it is only by faith (with its works) that we can please God.

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