Let's act for the common good

True dedication is giving our whole life for the work of God, and his work is to boldly proclaim the pure Gospel so that as many souls as possible will be saved. This is what the first Christians did, they saw only the common interest, understanding that they had nothing more to do in this world than to let themselves be used by God to be instruments of his Glory. . The Power of God was acting with force because Christians were united for the common good and not for their own good. This early Church was also to serve as an example for us, so that we understand what is the will of God for his Church. Knowing that the goal of every child of God is to attain perfection, made man, Christ likeness. We must also understand that the goal is to achieve unity of faith, all in one Spirit, with one mind, that of Christ, for we are his body (Ephesians 4: 11-16).

It is not a question of uniting themselves with all those who call themselves Christians, but it is a question of the true consecrated persons who have the same thought and whose motivation is the Love of Truth with the interest for souls. We will not be able to follow this example set by the early Christians without first being in personal dedication, being rooted in the Word of God and armed with all the arms of Christ so that we can discern the minds and will of God and be able to stand firm in the Truth; that's the reason God is preparing us. We are in a fallen generation of examples to follow, therefore we must fix our eyes on the Perfect Example of Christ and on the early disciples, persevering in the teaching of the apostles; thus we will be ready to live the Gospel in the unity of faith and we will be able to be living testimonies knowing that the Word of God tells us that all will recognize that we are disciples of Christ by seeing the Love that we will have for some. for others (unity) (John 13: 34-35).

Through our consecrated lives the Power of God will act with great efficiency, which is why it is more than so much to live fully this life of consecration without worrying about the things of the world but placing everything in the hands of the Lord. We must not be afraid of men, knowing that the Gospel is the Power of God for the salvation of all who believe and that if we still love our own lives to the point of wanting to protect them from men by renouncing the preaching of the Gospel, we cannot be saved, and we'll have the blood of many people on our hands. But if out of Love for God and for souls we decide to proclaim the true Gospel with force even in times that are not favorable, God will not abandon his children but his Power will be manifested and will accompany our preaching.

"Then they commanded them to come out out of the Sanhedrin, and they deliberated among themselves, saying, What shall we do to these people? For it is manifest to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that a miracle was done by them, and this is so obvious that we cannot deny it. But so that it is not disclosed among the people, let us defend them with express threats, that they do not have to speak to anyone in this Name any more. Having therefore called, they commanded them that they should no longer speak or teach in any way in Jesus' Name. But Peter and John answered them, Judge whether it is righteous before God to obey yourself rather than God; for we do not we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard. So they released them with threats, not finding how they could punish them, for the sake of the people, because all were glorifying God for what had been done. man in whom this miraculous healing had been made was over forty years old. , they went to their people, and told them everything that the chief priests and elders had told them. When they heard this, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, you are the God who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things in them; and who said by the mouth of David your servant, Why this tumult among the nations, and these vain thoughts among the peoples? The kings of the earth rose up in person, and the princes united together against the Lord and against his Christ. Indeed, against your Holy Son Jesus, whom you anointed Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, to do all the things that your hand and your council had previously determined that would be done. . Now therefore, Lord, behold their threats, and grant to your slaves to speak your word with all boldness, stretching out your hand that healings, and wonders, and wonders may be done through the name of your holy Son. Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled trembled; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and spoke the word of God boldly. Now the multitude of those who believed were but one heart and one soul; and no one said that the things he had were his, but all things were common among them. Also the apostles bore witness with great force to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. For there was no needy among them; because all those who had fields or houses, sold them, and they brought the price of the things sold, and put it at the feet of the apostles; and it was distributed to each as needed. "(Acts 4: 15-35)
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