Paul's Epistle to the Laodiceans

Paul's epistle to the Laodicean Church is quoted in the Epistle to the Colossians found in the Bible:

Colossians: 4:15 Greet the brethren of Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. And after this letter has been read among you, have it read in the Laodicean church as well, and that you also read the Laodicean church.

Letter to the Laodiceans

1-Paul, apostle not from men, nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, to the brothers who are in Laodicea. 2-Grace be to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3-I give thanks to Christ in all my prayers that you remain in him and persevere in his works, waiting for what has been promised to you for the day of judgment.

4-Do not be deceived by the vain speeches of certain people who insinuate themselves to deviate you from the truth, from the gospel preached by me. 5-Now, God will ensure that those who come from me, in the service of the progress of the truth of the gospel and doing good, operate what brings Salvation, Eternal life.

6-And now my chains are common knowledge. They whom I endure in Christ. They, of which I am happy and rejoice. 7- And this is for my eternal salvation, which is realized in your prayers and in the help of the Holy Spirit, either through my life or through my death. 8-Because for me, life is in Christ and dying is a joy. 9-And he will produce this very thing in you by his mercy, so that you have the same love and the same feelings.

10-So my beloved, as you have heard of my coming, so stand firm and act in the fear of God and you will have life for eternity. 11-For it is God who works in you. 12-And do everything you do without ulterior motives. 13-Besides, my beloved, rejoice in Christ and beware of those who seek shameful gains. 14-May your prayers be known to God and remain firm in the mind of Christ. 15-And do what is upright, true, chaste, just and lovable. 16-And what you have heard and received, keep it in your heart, and you will have peace.

17-Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. The Saints greet you. 18-May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit. 19-Have the Colossians read this and have the letter of the Colossians read among you.

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