Epistle to the Philadelphians

Letter from Ignatius to the Philadelphians

Ignatius, also says Theophorus, to the Church of God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ which is in Philadelphia of Asia, object of mercy, strengthened in the harmony which comes from God, and full of an unshakeable joy in passion of our Lord, and fully convinced, in all mercy, of his resurrection; I greet her in the blood of Jesus Christ. She is my eternal and lasting joy, especially if they remain united with the bishop and with the priests and deacons who are with him, established according to the mind of Jesus Christ, who according to his own will has strengthened and established them through his Holy Spirit.

I, 1. This bishop, I know that it was not from himself, nor through men, that he obtained this ministry which is at the service of the community, nor out of vain glory, but through the charity of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am struck by his kindness: by his silence, he can do more than vain talkers. 2. It is tuned to the commandments, like the zither on its strings. That is why my soul commends him for his feelings towards God - I know they are righteous and perfect - for his steadfastness and without anger, according to all the goodness of the living God.

II, 1. So, children of the light of truth, flee from divisions and evil doctrines; where your shepherd is, follow him like sheep. 2. For many apparently trustworthy wolves captivate those who run the course of God with evil pleasures; but they will not have a place in your unit.

III, 1. Refrain from evil plants which Jesus Christ does not cultivate, because they are not a plantation of the Father. 2. It is not that I have found divisions among you, but purification. For all who belong to God and to Jesus Christ, these are with the bishop; and all who repent and come to the unity of the Church, these also will be God's, that they may be alive according to Jesus Christ. 3. "Make no mistake, my brethren: if anyone follows a schism maker," he will not inherit the kingdom of God "; if anyone walks according to a foreign mind, this one does not accord with the passion of Christ.

IV, 1. Take care, therefore, to participate in only one Eucharist; for there is only one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one chalice to unite us in his blood, one altar, as one bishop with the presbytery and the deacons, my fellow servants: so, whatever you do, you will do according to God.

V, 1. My brothers, I am overflowing with love for you, and it is with the greatest joy that I seek to strengthen you, not I, but Jesus Christ; being chained for him, I fear more, in the thought that I am still imperfect; but your prayer will make me perfect for God, so that I may obtain the inheritance of which I have received mercy, taking refuge in the Gospel as in the flesh of Jesus Christ, and in the apostles as in the presbytery of the Church . 2. And let us also love the prophets, for they also proclaimed the Gospel, they hoped in him, the Christ, and waited for him; believing in him, they were saved, and abiding in the unity of Jesus Christ, saints worthy of love and admiration, they received the testimony of Jesus Christ and were admitted into the gospel of our common hope.

VI, 1. If someone interprets Scripture to you according to Judaism, do not listen to him. For it is better to hear Christianity from a circumcised man than Judaism from an uncircumcised. If both do not tell you about Jesus Christ, for me they are stelae and tombs of the dead, on which only the names of men are written. 2. Flee therefore the wicked artifices and snares of the prince of this world, so that his calculations do not succeed in overwhelming you and weakening you in charity. But all of you, unite in one heart without sharing. 3. I thank my God that I have a good conscience about you, and that no one can boast, either in secret or openly, that I have been a little or less dependent for him. many things. And to everyone I spoke to, I wish they hadn't received it as a testimony against them.

VII, 1. Some wanted to deceive me according to the flesh, but the Spirit, who comes from God, is not deceived. Because because I foresaw the division of a few, it is my witness to him for whom I am in chains that I did not know it from the flesh of a man. 2. It is the Spirit who announced it to me, saying: "Do nothing without the bishop, keep your flesh as the temple of God, love union, flee divisions," be imitators of Jesus Christ , as he also is from his Father ".

VIII, 1. I have therefore done all that is in me, like a man made for union. Where there is division and anger, God does not dwell. But to all who repent, the Lord forgives, if that repentance brings them to unity with God, and to the bishop's senate. I have faith in the grace of Jesus Christ who will deliver you from all ties. 2. I urge you not to do anything out of contention, but according to the teaching of Christ. I've heard some say, "If I don't find it in the records, I don't believe it in the Gospel." And when I said to them: “It is written”, they answered me: “That is the question.” For me, my archives are Jesus Christ; my inviolable records, it is his cross, and his death, and his resurrection and the faith that comes from him; it is in this that I desire, by your prayers, to be justified.

IX, 1. The priests, too, were honorable, but something better is the high priest, to whom was entrusted the Holy of Holies, to whom alone were entrusted the secrets of God. He is the Father's door, through which enter Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the prophets, and the Apostles, and the Church. All of this [leads] to oneness with God. 2. But there is something special about the gospel: the coming of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, his passion and his resurrection. For the beloved prophets announced it, but the Gospel is the consummation of immortality. Everything is also good, if you believe in charity.

X, 1. I was told that thanks to your prayer and the mercy you have in Christ Jesus, the Church of Antioch in Syria is at peace; So it is fitting that you, as the Church of God, elect a deacon, to go as a messenger of God, to rejoice with those who are gathered, and to glorify the Name. 2. Blessed in Christ Jesus is he who shall be judged worthy of such a ministry, and you also will be glorified. If you will, it is not impossible to do it for the name of God, as the nearest Churches have done, some of which have sent their bishops, others priests and deacons.

XI, 1. As for Philo, the deacon of Cilicia, a man of good renown, who now supports me in the ministry of the word of God with Rheos Agathopous, an elite man who gave up what made his life for me. accompany from Syria, they bear witness to you - and I give thanks to God for you - that you have received them as the Lord received you yourselves. And those who disrespected them, may they be forgiven by the grace of Jesus Christ! 2. The Charity of the brothers who are in Troas greets you. It is from there that I am writing to you through Burrhus, who was sent with me by the Ephesians and the Smyrniots to do me honor. They too will be honored by the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom they hope with flesh, soul and spirit, in faith, charity, and harmony. Be well in Jesus Christ, our common hope.

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