Who still accepts to suffer in order to practice the true faith?

If people turn away from the true Path and end up refusing to believe that it is the true Path, it is because they do not want to suffer. When the frustrations start to invade them they tell themselves that it is not normal; they want to be quiet, so they give up and they turn to another faith. They get lukewarm and mixed up and live for their own satisfaction without really seeking the Truth.

Tell me who does not reject the screening of which Jesus speaks by saying to Peter: Simon! Simon! satan asked you to sift you like wheat, but I prayed for you so that your faith does not fail. But when you are converted one day, strengthen your brothers (Luke 22: 31-32).

Jesus did not tell Peter that he was going to prevent satan from screening him, but he said I prayed that you would not lose faith during your screening, and when you are converted strengthen your brothers because they will also have to go through there, because it is the only Way.

Let's look at this same Peter when he goes to speak in his first epistle:

1 Peter 5: 8 Be sober, [and] watch: for the devil your adversary revolves around you like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him [therefore], [standing] steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are fulfilled in the company of your brethren who are in the world. 10 Now the God of all grace, who called us to his everlasting glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, make you fulfilled, and establish you, and strengthen you, and establish you. 11 To him be glory and strength forever and ever, Amen! 12 I have written to you briefly through Silvanus our brother, whom I believe to be faithful to you, declaring and protesting to you that the grace of God in which you are is the true one.

In this epistle Peter will talk a lot about suffering, and here he will talk about the devil and his sifting; and he will even add that the same sufferings befall the other brothers, the true Christians of the time. He is going to do what Jesus told him to do, namely: you when you are converted one day, strengthen your brothers; because these Christians were certainly troubled by the suffering they were going through and needed encouragement and confirmation.

Peter couldn't really understand what Jesus was telling him until he lived it. Today many refuse to live it and people give up quickly after some frustration and some suffering; and there is no one to teach them and tell them that these things are quite normal; everyone makes them believe that it is not normal, but nevertheless Peter says well in this epistle that the grace of God in which are these Christians who were sifted by the devil is the true one; and it is in this that he will encourage them and confirm to them that they are indeed in the Truth by suffering thus.

We don't have to give up, but we have to get over these things because the point is that we end up putting up with it all. When men judge you because of this kind of fights know that these men (women) do not know the true Path, because if they did know it they would not do so with you and would not judge you by appearance. .

Galatians 4:12 Be like me; for I [am] also like you; I beseech you, my brothers; you have done me no wrong. 13 And you know how I evangelized to you before in the infirmity of the flesh. 14 And you neither despised nor rejected my trial, as it was in my flesh; but you received me as an Angel of God, and as Jesus Christ himself.

We need a lot of Love for such people who suffer because of the fact that they want to live godly in Jesus Christ, that they are sincere with the Lord and want to devote their lives entirely to him. The Lord does not condemn them for their imperfection from the moment they repent of their evil deeds and advance towards perfection: what the Lord condemns is unbelief, the fact of not being engaged in the consecration, on the true Path.

Know that all those who want to live godly in Jesus Christ will be persecuted, inside and out, and that it is through many tribulations that we must enter the Kingdom of God. Whether the others understand or not, if you want to abandon everything to follow Jesus and to shed yourselves in his presence, you will suffer, but know that this is the only true Path to salvation.

If we walk on this Path, then let us take courage and strengthen ourselves!

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