Those who want to impose the works of the law reject the cross

Paul teaches us that if believers want to impose on us the practice of the works of the law given to Moses, it is because they refuse to be persecuted for the cross of Christ; therefore they want to please themselves according to the flesh, in order to please men, by preaching something other than the cross:

Galatians 6: 12 All those who seek to please themselves according to the flesh are those who compel you to be circumcised; only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 For even those who are circumcised do not keep the law, but they want you to be circumcised, so that they may have glory in the flesh. 14 But as for me, let me have no glory in anything but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world is crucified to me, and I to the world! 15 For in Christ Jesus circumcision is of no avail, neither is the foreskin, but the new birth. 

These people, therefore, who want to impose the works of the law, refuse the persecutions that are connected not only with the preaching of the cross, but also with living the cross, for all who want to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12); which means that they refuse persecution, because they refuse to die to the world and to themselves.

We know that the only condition for salvation is the new birth, since this is the condition for entering the Kingdom of God (John 3:3-5). No one can be born of God without first going through the cross (the crucifixion of the old man); for unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it bears no fruit (John 12:24), and in the same way new wine is not put into old wineskins, but into new ones (Mark 2:22).

Without going through the cross, no one can be born of God (resurrected with Christ); therefore it is not the circumcision of the flesh that counts, but the circumcision of Christ, which consists in completely stripping off the flesh (the old man):

Colossians 2:11 In whom also ye are circumcised with a Circumcision made without hands, which is to strip off the body of the flesh, which [is] the Circumcision of Christ; 12 Being buried with him in Baptism; in whom also ye are risen together by faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.

It is therefore in order not to suffer this spiritual circumcision that these people preach the law (circumcision of the flesh etc...), so that not only will they not be persecuted for preaching the cross, but also that they themselves will not live the cross. But no one can be saved without going through the cross and being born again. Our old man must be totally crucified before we can put on the new man created according to God, in righteousness and holiness:

Ephesians 4:20 But this is not how you came to know Christ; 21 If, however, you heard him, and were taught by him according to the truth that is in Jesus; 22 To put off the old man, as to the former conversation, which is corrupted by the lusts that deceive; 23 To renew your mind by the Spirit. 24 And to put on the new man, created according to God in righteousness and true holiness.

Many believers want to be justified by carnal acts and refuse to go through the circumcision of Christ; they take the easy way out, but unfortunately these acts can never save them.

The cross contains many things: rejections, oppositions, persecutions, loneliness, stripping in the presence of God; and all kinds of sufferings and things that God uses to crucify our old man. The Lord says that we will be hated by all for His Name's sake, for the Truth's sake, but he who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 10:22). Therefore we must not seek to please men but only God. 

Paul said that if he still pleased men he would not be a servant of Christ (Galatians 1:10). Jesus said that if we were of the world, the world would love what is his, but since we are not of the world, the world hates us (John 15:19). The scriptures also teach us that we must enter the Kingdom of God through much tribulation (Acts 14:22).

If we want to please God, be saved and save our families, we must accept the suffering associated with the cross of Christ; we must accept being hated by men, rejected, persecuted; and we must bless in return: we must endure persecutions, for by them we shall also be made perfect (James 1:2-4) (Romans 5:3-5); and we must strip ourselves of everything in the presence of God.

It is out of Love (charity) that we must do all this, surrendering our lives to Christ, so that by our consecrated lives, once our beings are stripped and clothed (transformed), the Lord may save as many souls as possible, beginning with our own homes; for charity is the fulfilment of the law, and there is no greater charity than to lay down one's life for those one loves (John 15:13). 

If we are of those who fear men, we will not be able to please God, because we will preach something other than the cross, knowing that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18); and likewise, we will live something other than the cross.

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