Let us search in the Spirit and not in the letter

If you want to be guided by God and receive the revelations which concern the Kingdom of God and which are beneficial to all, you must absolutely seek with all your heart by meditating in the Spirit constantly and not by seeking in the letter, if at least you have already read the Bible and received the Holy Spirit by faith. For the letter without revelations kills, while the Spirit on the contrary gives life.

The Lord tells us not to LISTEN (hearing) only to the Word of God, but to put it into practice, and he says that his sheep HEAR (hearing) his voice, and they follow him. This is why let us no longer seek in the letter but in the Spirit, because the letter encourages carnal reflection, but does not reveal the things of the Spirit, this is why the letter kills, and this is why the Most of the people who have received the Spirit are dying.

The letter is useful in leading us to receive the Spirit, and then it is useful for God to confirm to us through it all that we receive by the Holy Spirit, in order to strengthen our faith and to banish doubt. Indeed the fact that God first reveals by the Spirit and confirms by the letter gives us 2 incontestable testimonies, and we can no longer doubt.

Let those who have spiritual ears hear what I say, and for that one must have humility, and listen with one's heart like a little child. If the whole world is in error it is because it seeks in the letter and not in the Spirit whereas it is the Spirit who teaches us in all the Truth and who reminds us even of what the saying says. letter (it will remind you of everything I have told you). By seeking to understand behind our Bible we are in error, because it is in the Spirit that we must seek with all our heart to understand the things of the Kingdom of God, by constantly meditating until obtaining the revelations, and no one can understand the letter without prior revelations from the Spirit, which is why people twist the meaning of the scriptures, for their interpretation is carnal.

Today God calls his people to come back to the Truth, and he tells us: Today, if you HEAR (hearing) his voice, do not harden your hearts as on the day of the revolt when your brothers perished in the desert. .
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