The real purpose of sanctification

Many people do not believe that sanctification (purification) is essential for salvation. Others think that we are to remain in sanctification until we die or until the rapture of the Church, but this again is a bad view of the Truth. In reality, sanctification is a time which begins at the reception of the Holy Spirit and which ends at the new birth, as I explain in the teaching: "FROM THE RECEPTION OF THE SPIRIT TO THE NEW BIRTH".

Because of all the false prophets (false workers) of our generation and previous generations, the whole world is wrong. The point is to make you believe that sanctification is a process that lasts until death or rapture, in order to keep you asleep and prevent you from entering your inheritance, which is why I invite you to read the teaching that I quoted above with large letters. I pray that the Lord will open the eyes of his people and break the chains that prevent you from believing in the Truth.

If you don't have the knowledge of these things, you'll never be able to live it, because by faith it's possible. The Lord and the apostles have warned us that many false prophets will come to try to deceive the elect and that the devil's cunning is very great, to the point where he disguises himself as an angel of light and his ministers as apostles of Christ.
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