Let's get out of Babylon and return to God

Babylon means: Confusion (by mixing)

As we see on social media (a reflection of external reality) there is a lot of mixing, and this is what creates a lot of confusion. The world is filled with mixture and the world has seeped into the hearts of the children of God. The Bible tells us that the double-hearted man is inconstant in all his ways and that God is a jealous God, he does not tolerate that we commit adultery towards him by making ourselves friends of the world:

"Adulterers and adulterous women! Do you not know that friendship for the world is enmity against God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (James 4: 4)

God calls us to come out of Babylon, to come out of confusion and sin so as not to take part in its plagues:

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying," Come out of Babylon, my people, that you may not share in her sins, and receive a portion of her plagues. For her sins have ascended up to heaven. , and God remembered his iniquities. " (Revelation 18: 4-5)

And today what do we see? That believers are in such confusion that they do not know the difference between the good and the evil which are according to God. Social networks like the outside world are filled with confusion, and believers are mostly asleep. Jesus prepares his Church (those who will go to the end) but he reminds us that there are many called but few chosen; and he also tells us:

"And will not God avenge his elect who cry out to him day and night, though he is patient before intervening for them? I tell you that he will avenge them soon. But when the Son of man will come, do you think he will find faith on earth? ”” (Luke 18: 7-8)

This is why we should not follow the crowds but rather walk the wrong way with perseverance in this time of apostasy. Just because a preacher does something doesn't mean we have to do it, we have to do God's will no matter what, and he will judge us for not seeking to receive his teaching directly from him.

If someone does something that does not seem to you to the Glory of God then you must meditate on the Word of God and pray to the Lord to give you discernment, so that you can judge if it is indeed the will. of God. And if anyone teaches something in the same way you must seek and get clear confirmation from the Lord in order to be able to discern the Truth.

I say this because to my great sorrow I see a great mixture among believers in terms of doctrines and also in their own lives. Between God and the world there is no part, we must now choose who we want to serve, because life in Christ is a life of total consecration:

"You therefore, my son, be strengthened in the grace which is in Christ Jesus. And the things which you have heard from me before many witnesses, entrust them to faithful people who are able to teach them also to others. others. You, therefore, suffer with me like a good soldier of Jesus Christ. There is no soldier who bothered with the affairs of this life if he wanted to please the one who recruited him for the war. if anyone struggles in sports games, he is only crowned if he wrestled according to the rules. The plowman must also work first, and then he reap the fruits. Consider what I say, for the Lord give you understanding in all things. " (2 Timothy 2: 1-7)
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