Summary of Future Prophecies

Regarding Bible prophecy: The soon-to-be-rising Church will only have a small group of people to begin with, and although it will grow later, it will contain only a small portion of the inhabitants of the Earth. As the Lord has taken care to reveal to us, there are many called but few chosen, and many will seek to enter the Kingdom of God but will not be able to.

As to the rapture, it is evident that the Church must be without spot, wrinkle, or anything like that but holy and blameless, and that the members must be of the perfect stature of Christ, in unity. perfect of faith, being one Body, one soul, in one Spirit, and accomplished in charity. So do not be confused by those who think that the Lord will immediately return to seek a divided church, whose members are ignorant of one another, for it is a great deception.

The Lord must first of all gather his elect, just as he did with the early Christians, and his power will be manifested by the Church which will rise up until all those who are to be saved be. We know that there is little time left, that is why today the Lord begins to prepare the hearts of his elect to live it soon.

We also know that when the Church is taken up the antichrist will enter into his 7-year covenant, which represents both the 7-year wedding feast of the Lamb and the last week of the year (the 70th) set on the people of Israel according to the flesh. It is evident that before the time fixed on Israel resumes (since it stopped at the death of Christ), the time of the Church must be fulfilled. Then the antichrist will come to power and the men will say: PEACE AND SECURITY for a period of 3 and a half years, which is the first half of the week of the year (7 years).

There will be two prophets, who will torment the inhabitants of the earth during the time of false peace. When it is halfway through the week of the year, the antichrist will have them put to death, so that they may no longer disturb their peace, and the inhabitants of the earth will rejoice (Revelation 11: 1-10), and c It is at this time that the devil will enter fully into the antichrist to possess him, and that he will sit in the temple of God proclaiming himself God, causing all sacrifices to cease, and forcing that we adores him on pain of being put to death:

Daniel 9:27 And he will confirm the covenant with many for a week, and in the middle of that week he will cease the sacrifice and the offering. Then on the wing of abominations there will be the one who causes desolation until the decreed annihilation is poured out on the author of that desolation.

2 Thessalonians 2: 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For there must first come the apostasy and the ungodly man, the son of perdition, 4 the adversary and the one who rises up against everything that is called God or that is revealed. worship, he goes so far as to sit like God in the temple of God showing himself to be God.

Right after that, the two prophets will be resurrected before the people, and will be taken up to heaven, and because of this and the antichrist claiming to be God, the people of Israel according to the flesh will turn to Christ (Revelation 11: 11- 13), and this is where the great tribulation will begin. Then the people of Israel will have to flee into the mountains and will have to suffer in order to be purified and tested like gold, and to be able to be saved:

Matthew 24:15 When therefore you see the abomination of desolation foretold by means of Daniel the prophet being established in the holy place, let him who reads understand! 16 So let them that are in Judea flee into the mountains, 17 and let not him that is on the roof come down to take away anything from his house, 18 and let him that is in the field not return back to take his clothes. 19 Woe to pregnant women and to those who breastfeed in those days! 20 Pray that your flight will not come in winter, nor on a Sabbath day. 21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be.

Then armies will band together to make war against the antichrist and there will be the war of Armageddon (during the end of the great tribulation), and the Lord will return in the clouds of heaven with his saints, destroy the antichrist as well. than all the armies of the earth and will deliver the people of Israel. And every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that he is the Lord, whether they are saved or they are condemned.

The times are near, so let us fully abandon this world and dedicate ourselves fully to the Lord so that we are not surprised like a thief who comes in the night. The Lord calls us to separate us from the world and from the crowds who call themselves Christians and who in reality are not, because he intends to reunite his Church soon (a very small group of people first) so that it can be born of up, in true fellowship as on the day of Pentecost and spreading until all of the nations that are to be part of the Church are ready:

Romans 11:25 For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brethren, that you may not be wise in your own eyes: it is that a hardening has come in part to Israel until the fullness nations has entered. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, The Deliverer will come from Zion, and he will turn away faithlessness from Jacob. 27 And this is the covenant which I will make with them, when I take away their sins. 28 For they are enemies according to the gospel because of you, but according to the election they are loved because of their fathers. 29 For the gifts of grace and the call of God are without regrets. 30 For as you yourselves once rebelled against God, and now have obtained mercy because of their stubbornness, 31 so they have now become rebellious, that they may also obtain mercy, through the mercy which hath you been made.
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